Page 179 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 179

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

          Part B:
          Polymers and Industries             cyclohexanone  and  cyclohexanol;  cumene  oxidation  to  phenol  and  acetone;
          Discussion on the application of polymers in two different industries:   acetaldehyde oxidation to acetic acid and acetic anhydride.

          (i)   Latex and Rubber Industry     Assessment Weightage:
          Introduction to types of lattices and compositions, as well as SMR   Continuous assessment:   40%
          grades and vulcanization.           Final examination:     60%
          Properties of rubber and latex: Theory and measurement Applications
          and recent developments             SIC3048 PROCESS CHEMISTRY

          (ii)   Miscellaneous Industry (based on relevance and importance).   Material  balances  (flowsheet,  general  balance  equation,  material  balance
          Introduction to the types of polymers involved in the industry.   techniques, multiple unit balances, chemical reactions).
          Properties  of  the  polymers  involved  and  related  tests  and   Energy  balances  (energy  balance  equations,  estimation  of  enthalpy  changes,
          characterizations techniques.       reactive systems, energy balance equations).
                                              Fluid Flow (types of fluids, flow regimes, balance equations).
          Assessment Weightage:               Heat Transfer (mechanism, shell and tube heat exchanger).
          Continuous assessment:   50%        Process  Control  (objectives,  control  loop,  measuring  devices,  controllers,  final
          Final examination:     50%          control element, computer control).
                                              Software systems to design, analyse and troubleshoot flow system.
                                              Assessment Weightage:
          Overview  of  the  oleochemical  industry,  research  &  development.   Continuous assessment:   40%
          Introduction to oleochemical industry in Malaysia and global.   Final examination:     60%

          Raw material of oleochemical industry. Synthesis and formation of   SIC3049 FOOD CHEMISTRY
          basic oleochemicals (building blocks) from chemical and enzymatic
          industrial processes.               Introduction to food chemistry. Role of water in food. Important components in
                                              food:  carbohydrates,  amino  acids,  lipids,  proteins;  chemical transformations  of
          Synthesis,  production  and  use  of  oleochemical  derivatives  as   food  during  storage,  transportation,  processing,  and  preparation.  Food
          surfactants,  oil-based  emulsions  and  nanoemulsions,  biodiesel,   metabolism.
          biolubricant, coatings and paint, adhesives.
                                              Assessment Weightage:
          Cosmetic, pharmaceutical, personal care and makeup formulations.   Continuous assessment:   40%
                                              Final examination:     60%
          Assessment Weightage:
          Continuous assessment:   40%        SIC3050 NATURAL PRODUCTS AND BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES
          Final examination:     60%
                                              Introduction of the important roles and classes of natural products. Extraction and
          SIC3047 PETROCHEMISTRY              separation methods for natural products.

          Overview of petroleum refining and petrochemistry industry. Crude oil   Application of spectroscopic methods (NMR and MS) for structural elucidation of
          refinery operations and respective feedstocks and products involved:   natural products.
          crude oil distillation, catalytic reforming and isomerisation, catalytic   Bio-catalytic  processes:  Enzymes  &  enzymatic  reactions  (kinetics,  substrate
          cracking, coking and hydrotreating.   selectivity, activity, isolation & purification); Application of enzymes, fermentation
                                              and cell cultures in chemistry.
          Natural gas products (hydrogen, synthesis gas and ammonia) and its
          production including steam methane reforming, water gas shift, partial   Assessment Weightage:
          oxidation, autothermal reforming and pressure swing absorption.   Continuous assessment:   40%
                                              Final examination:     60%
          C1  products  (formic  acid  and  its  derivatives,  hydrogen  cyanide,
          chloromethane) formation.           SIC3051 APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY
          C2 products (ethylene and vinyl chloride) and its production.
          C3  products  (propylene,  isopropylene  and  acrylic  acid)  and  its   Three  electrode  electrochemical  cell:  Working  electrode,  counter  electrode,
          production.                         reference electrode, I-V plot.
          C4  products  (butylene  and  MTBE)  and  its  production.  Aromatic   Electrode  kinetics  (Butler-Volmer  equation,  Tafel  equation).  Electrochemical
          products (benzene, toluene and xylene) and its production.   double layer, electrode-electrolyte interface, Faradaic and non-Faradaic currents.
                                              Mass  transport  in  electrochemistry:  Diffusion,  ionic  migration,  convection.  The
          Conversion of benzene into ethylbenzene; styrene; cumene; phenol;   Nernst  diffusion  layer.  Electroanalytical  techniques  1:  Voltammetry.
          acetone; bisphenol A; polycarbonate; aniline and nitrobenzene.   Electroanalytical  techniques  2:  Chrono  and  pulse  methods:  Differential  pulse
          Conversion of toluene into toluene diisocyanate; methylene diphenyl   voltammetry, square wave voltammetry.
          diisocyanate; polyurethane.
          Conversion of xylene into phthalic anhydride, terephthalic acid and   Electroplating:  Describe,  define  and  contrast  different  types  of  deposition
          dimethyl terephthalate.             techniques. Identify and describe advantages and disadvantages of electroplating.
                                              Battery  and  fuel  cells:  Describe  fundamentals  and  analyse  components  of  a
          Selected  petrochemicals  production  mechanism  as  such  are   battery,  charge  and  discharge  of  battery,  types  of  battery,  types  of  fuel cells.
          discussed: propylene oxide (Dow Process); cyclohexane oxidation to    Compare and contrast different types of batteries and fuel cells

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