Page 45 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 45

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               COURSE SYNOPSIS              PIX2001  EDUCATIONAL
               Note: The synopses for the major
               program  courses  can  be  found   This  course  aims  to  provide
               under  respective  departments’   knowledge to students on theories
               sections.                    of  development  and  factors
                                            affecting  the  learning  process.
                                            This will cover topics such as the
               PIX1002  BASIC  OF  PHYSICAL   process   of   development,
               EDUCATION, HEALTH AND CO-    intelligence,    individual
               CURRICULUM                   differences,  self-concepts,  and
                                            motivation.    The  course  will  also
               This course gives an exposure for   highlight theories of learning and
               students to basic anatomy, human   basic   teaching   strategies
               physiology, exercise (or practice)   including   classroom
               principle  and  some  concepts  in   management.
               motor learning and biomechanics
               sports.  Among  the  topics  being   Assessment Methods:
               discussed  including  philosophy,   Continuous assessment: 40%
               concept,   and   exercise   (or   Final examination: 60%
               practice)  in  Sports  Education,
               Health,   and   Co-curriculum
               especially   in   contexts   of   SIP1001  INTEGRATING  STEM
               education.  Other  areas  such  as   IN   SCIENCE   AND
               administration,   management,   MATHEMATICS EDUCATION
               accomplishment   of   Sports
               Education  and  Co-curriculum  in   Teaching the 21  century learner
               secondary schools are also being   to think from multiple perspectives
               highlighted. Besides that, the type   integrating STEM in Science and
               of disease, healthy (or balanced)   Mathematics Education. Students
               diet,  particular  dietary,  sport   will be exposed to the concept and
               activities  and  appropriate  co-  underpinning  theories  in  STEM
               curriculum  and  modification  in   education.   They   will   learn
               approaches   and   teaching   instructional   strategies   in
               materials  to  those  who  are  in   integrating STEM into science and
               special needs are also discussed.   mathematics  curriculum.    The
                                            students  will  learn  to  apply  their
               Assessment Methods:          strategies in STEM education that
               Continuous assessment: 50%   they  can  use  to  foster  critical
               Final examination: 50%       thinking and problem-solving skills
                                            in  their  class  using  real-world,
                                            place-based   problems.   This
                                            interdisciplinary  approach  blurs
                                            the  boundaries  across  content
                                            areas which is critical to fostering
                                            innovative and creative thinking in
                                            the   students   and   preparing
                                            educators as STEM leaders.

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