Page 174 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 174

      Ekonomi Korea
      Korean Economy

      Kandungan utama kursus ini termasuk kajian terhadap struktur dan dasar ekonomi Korea serta peranan kerajaan dalam pembangunan
      ekonomi  Korea  selepas  Perang  Dunia  Kedua  sehingga  masa  kini.  Isu-isu  ekonomi  lain  yang  penting  seperti  peranan  Chaebol,  sektor
      kewangan, perdagangan, hubungan ekonomi luar dan gerakan buruh.

      The  main  contents  of  the  course  includes  examination  of  Korean  structure  and  economic  policies  as  well  as  roles  of  government  in
      developing the Korean economy after World War Two till the present era. Other economic issues that will be examined include the roles
      of Chaebol, the financial sector, businesses, international economic relations and labour movements.

      Globalisasi dan Budaya Popular Korea
      Globalization and Popular Culture of Korea

      Kursus ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji proses difusi budaya popular Korea yang dikenali sebagai Korean Wave. Di sepanjang kursus ini,
      pelajar akan didedahkan tentang pelbagai bentuk budaya popular Korea serta pengaruhnya di dunia antarabangsa. Di samping itu,
      pelajar  juga  akan  dibimbing  tentang  kaedah-kaedah  untuk  menjalankan  kajian  bagi  merungkai  persoalan  berkait  dengan  budaya
      popular Korea.

      This  course  aims  to  study  the  diffusion  process  of  the  Korean  popular  culture  which  is  called  Korean  wave.  Throughout  this  course,
      students  will  learn  various  aspects  of  Korean  popular  culture  as  well  as  its  influence  globally.  In  addition,  students  will  be  taught
      research methodology for investigating issues pertaining to Korean popular culture.

      Hubungan Korea Utara - Korea Selatan
      North Korea - South Korean Relations

      Selepas tamat kursus ini, diharap pelajar dapat memahami sejarah pembahagian Korea dan perbezaan sistem politik dan ideologi dua
      Korea. Topik-topik penting seperti perkembangan hubungan di antara dua Korea, campur tangan kuasa asing dalam usaha penyatuan
      semula Korea, isu senjata nuklear dan keselamatan Semenanjung Korea juga ditinjau.

      At the end of the course, students are expected to understand why the Korean peninsula became divided in terms of political systems and
      ideological orientations. The course includes discussions on inter-Korean relations, foreign intervention in reunification attempts, nuclear
      crisis and the security of the Korean peninsula.
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