Page 27 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
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Kursus Elektif
                Elective Courses

     Pilih DUA (2) kursus sahaja
     Choose TWO (2) courses only

                     AIA2002                                      Pemikiran Sosial Kontemporari
                                                                   Contemporary Social Thought

                     AIA2005                                          Pembangunan Lestari
                                                                     Sustainable Development

                                                                       Etnografi Silang Budaya
                     AIA2008                                          Cross Cultural Ethnography

                                                                       Agama dan Masyarakat
                     AIA2011                                             Religion and Society

                                                                 Identiti, Kepelbagaian dan Komuniti
                                                                   Identity, Diversity and Community

                                                                   Remaja dan Masalah Psikososial
                                                                 Adolescent and Psychosocial Problem

                     AIA2032                                                 Gerontologi

                                                                       Sosiologi Kependudukan
                                                                        Sociology of Population

                                                                    Demografi dan Pembangunan
                     AIA2037                                        Demographic and Development

                     AIA2038                                             Psikologi Personaliti
                                                                        Personality Psychology

                                                                          Makanan dan Budaya
                     AIA2039                                                 Food and Culture
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