Page 275 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 275

Pilih DUA (2) kursus sahaja
                                  Choose TWO (2) courses only

                                                                     Sejarah Indonesia, 1900-1966
                                                                     History of Indonesia, 1900-1966

                                                                      Perubahan Sosial di Malaysia
                      AIL3012                                           Social Change in Malaysia

                                                                      Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam
                      AIL3018                                         History and Islamic Civilization

                                                                        Nasionalisme di Malaysia
                      AIL3026                                            Nationalism In Malaysia

                                                                 Islam dan Politik di Timur Tengah Moden
                      AIL3027                                  Islam and Politics in the Modern Middle  East

                                                                          Pensejarahan Melayu
                      AIL3028                                             Malay Historiography

                                                               Sejarah dan Pembangunan di Sarawak dan
                      AIL3030                                       Sabah Pasca Perang Dunia Kedua
                                                                 History and the Development in Sarawak
                                                                   and Sabah After Second World War
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