Page 277 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 277

Sinopsis Kursus Teras
                      Core Courses Synopsis

       Sejarah Asia Tenggara sehingga Abad  ke-15
       History of Southeast Asia until 15th Century

      Kursus ini membincangkan sejarah kerajaan awal di Asia Tenggara sejak abad pertama sehingga abad ke-15. Fokus diberikan kepada
      dua bahagian penting iaitu bahagian tanah besar dan bahagian kepulauan Asia Tenggara. Kursus ini dimulakan dengan perbincangan
      mengenai belakang geografi dan masyarakat di Asia Tenggara, diikuti oleh perbincangan berkenaan teori berkaitan proses Indianisasi
      dan  kesan  Indianisasi.  Tumpuan  juga  diberikan  kepada  ciri-ciri  serta  pencapaian  dan  sumbangan  kerajaan  awal  di  kepulauan  Asia
      Tenggara seperti kerajaan Srivijaya, Mataram Kuno dan Majapahit. Perbincangan kursus ini turut menyentuh ciriciri serta pencapaian
      dan sumbangan kerajaan awal di tanah besar Asia Tenggara seperti Angkor, Sukhothai, dan Vietnam.

      This course discusses the history of early kingdoms in Southeast Asia from the first century until the 15th century. Focus given to the two
      important part of Southeast Asia, mainland and archipelagic Southeast Asia. This course started with a discussion on the background of
      the geography and community in Southeast Asia, followed by discussions on theories relating to the process of Indianization and the
      impact of Indianization. This course also discuss features and achievements of early governments in the archipelagic Southeast Asian
      such as the kingdom of Srivijaya, Mataram Kuno and Majapahit. Moreover, this course also discuss features and achievements of early
      governments in mainland Southeast Asia such as Angkor, Sukhothai, and Vietnam.

      Teori dan Kaedah Sejarah
      Theory and Method of History

     Kursus  ini  memberi  fokus  tentang  beberapa  aspek  teori  dan  kaedah  dalam  sejarah  seperti  pengertian  sejarah  dan  kepentingannya,
     beberapa persoalan dan permasalahan berkaitan sejarawan, fakta, penyebaban, periodisasi, pentafsiran, kecenderungan, keobjektifan,
     sumber,  sejarah  lisan  dan  sebagainya.  Pelajar  juga  akan  didedahkan  dengan  pelbagai  pengaruh  dan  aliran  pemikiran  Barat  dan
     Melayu dari zaman tradisional hingga moden sehingga memberi kesan terhadap pengkajian, penulisan dan konsep sejarah. Selain itu,
     aspek teknikal dalam penulisan akan turut dikuliahkan.

     This  course  will  focus  on  several  aspects  of  theory  and  methodology  of  history  such  as  the  meaning  of  history  and  its  importance,
     several  questions  arise  from  historian  and  historical  facts,  reasons  and  periodization,  evaluation,  interest,  objectives,  source  of  oral
     history etc. Students will be exposed to the Malay and European various influence and school of thought from traditional to modern
     period that have impacted on research, writing and historical concept. Besides, technical aspects in writing will also be discussed.

     Pengantar Sejarah Malaysia
     Introduction to History of Malaysia

     Bahagian  awal  kursus  ini  akan  membincangkan  sejarah  Kesultanan  Melaka,  Kesultanan  Johor  dan  kerajaan  Melayu  yang  lain.
     Seterusnya dibincangkan campur tangan British dan kesannya terhadap pentadbiran, masyarakat dan ekonomi di Malaysia. Kursus ini
     juga akan membincangkan perkembangan politik sehingga pembentukan Persekutuan Malaysia 1963.

     The early part of the course will examine the history of the Melaka Sultanate, the Johor Sultanate and early Malay State. Following this,
     the course will discuss the British intervention in the Malay states and its impact on the system of governance, society and the economy.
     This course will also discuss political development that followed until the formation of Federation of Malaysia in 1963.
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