Page 46 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
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Sarjana Muda Geografi
                                              Jabatan Geografi

                                          Bachelor of Geography
                                        Department of Geography

                                             Tenaga Akademik Jabatan
                                                    Academic Staff
       Ketua Jabatan / Head of Department                            Profesor Madya / Associate Professor

        1. Dr Tengku Adeline Adura Tengku Hamzah                     6. Associate Prof Datin Dr. Safiah @ Yusmah Binti
       BSc (Hons) (Malaya), MEnv (UPM), PhD (Durham)                 Muhammad Yusoff

       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:                                 BSc (Hons) (Malaya), MSc (Malaya), PhD (Wales)
       Environmental Management and Environmental Governance         Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:

       Profesor Emeritus / Emeritus Professor                        Natural       Resource     (Human-Water Interactions &
       2. Profesor Emeritus Dato' Prof Dr Azizan Bin Hj Abu Samah    Hydrology), Environmental Geography (Community's Flood

       BSc (Hons) (Monash), MSc (La Trobe), PhD (Reading)            Adaptation, Vulnerability and Resilience & Integrated Water
       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:                                 Resources Management), Environmental Protection (Urban

       Polar Meteorology & Climatology, Monsoon Meteorology & Climatology, and Forest, Urban Green or Urban Spaces)
       Air Pollution Meteorology                                     Pensyarah Kanan / Senior Lecturer

       Profesor Kehormat / Honorary Professor                        7. Dr Jillian Ooi Lean Sim

       3. Prof Dr Norhaslina Hassan                                  BA (Malaya), MTech (Malaya), PhD (Western Australia)
       XX                                                            Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:                                 Biogeography (Marine Habitat Mapping, Species Distribution

       XX                                                            ModeIIing, Functional Habitat Complexity) and Seagrass

       XX                                                            Ecosystems (Seagrass Spatial Structure, Habitat
       Profesor / Professor                                          Requirements, And Ecosystem Functions)

       4. Prof Dr Firuza Begham Binti Mustafa                        8. Dr Mariney Mohd Yusoff (Hons) (UKM), MSc (UKM), PhD (UKM)                   BA (Hons) (Malaya), MA (Malaya), PhD (Leeds)

       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:                                 Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
       Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (Environmental Management),  Urban Geography, Flash Flood Studies, and Social Impact

       Environmental Geography (Agricultural Geography, Soil and Land Use  Studies
       Change), and Aquaculture Management, Environmental & Social Impacts  9. Dr Sheeba Nettukandy Chenoli

       5. Prof Dr Rosmadi Bin Fauzi                                  MSC, MTech, (CUSAT), PhD (Malaya)
       BSOC.SC. (Hons) (USM), MSC (USM), PhD (USM)                   Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:

       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:                                 Polar Meteorology & Climatology and Monsoon

       Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Spatial Politics & Electoral, and  Meteorology, Extreme Weather and Flood, and Climate
       Spatial Social Science & Social Geography                     Change, Climate of the Antarctic and Teleconnections to
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