Page 83 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 83

Sinopsis Kursus  Elektif / Elective Courses Synopsis

      Pengenalan Kepada Fiksyen Pascamoden
      Introduction to Postmodern Fiction

      Kursus ini merupakan satu pengantar kepada kaedah “membaca” fiksyen pasca-moden. Ide-ide dan konsep-konsep seperti kaedah
      membina “realiti,” historisiti, metanaratif dan “double encoding” akan diketengahlan sebelum pelajar mula membaca cerpen dan novel
      kursus ini. Tambahan pula, pendapat dan definisi ahli-ahli teori pasca-moden yang terkenal seperti Baudrillard, Lyotard dan Hutcheons
      akan diajar bersama karya- karya fiksyen pasca-moden yang terunggul seperti penulisan Becket, Borges, Ballard, Morrison dan Eco.

      This course will primarliy act as an introduction to the reading of postmodern fiction, whereby ideas and concepts such as the various
      constructions of reality, historicity, the metanarrative, as well as double encoding will have to be understood before students delve into the
      actual reading of the stories and novels. In addition to that, key postmodern theorists such as Baudrillard, Lyotard and Hutcheons will be
      mentioned alongside some of the works of the foundational postmodern writers like Becket, Borges, Ballard, Morrison and Eco.

       Pengantar Kepada Shakespeare di Pentas Dunia
       Global Shakespeares: An Introduction

      Pelajar akan mengkaji karya-karya Shakespeare berasaskan kontek-konteks tertentu. Mereka akan menganalisa adaptasi karya
      Shakespeare dari negaranegara terpilih agar lebih memahami impak sosial, politikal dan kebudayaan karya tersebut. Selain itu, mereka
      akan meneliti bagaimana interaksi antarabangsa membentuk respons terhadap karya Shakespeare, termasuk di kalangan pelajar sendiri.

      Students will study Shakespeare’s plays by locating them within a variety of contexts. They will analyze adaptations of these plays from a
      selection of countries in order to identify their social, political, and cultural significances. They will also examine the ways in which global
      interaction affects our understanding of the Bard, and will be encouraged to locate themselves within this global phenomenon.

       Kesusasteraan dan Budaya British Abad ke Sembilan Belas
       Nineteenth Century British Literature and Culture

      Kursus in merangkumi pelbagai teks-teks kesusasteraan British yang terkemuka dari zaman Romantik dan Victorian. Pelajar akan meneliti
      karya-karya penulisan dari kedua- dua zaman ini (samada secara petikan atau menyeluruh) dan dari pelbagai genre kesusasteraan
      seperti puisi, novel, esei, kesusteraan pengembaraan, di samping lukisan, kartun politik, filem, dan muzik. Teks-teks kesusasteraan akan
      diteliti secara bertema dan dihubungkaitkan dengan perbincangan utama berkenaan era zaman moden: alam sekitar, imaginasi,
      perhambaan, revolusi, hak asasi, feminism, radikalisme, penjajahan, dan budaya popular. Kursus ini bertujuan meneliti perkembangan
      perubahan politik dan sosial serta pengaruhnya ke atas kesusasteraan abad ke-sembilan belas. Dalam proses ini, kursus ini akan
      menumpukan perhatian kepada teks-teks yang dipinggirkan, di samping mengkaji teks-teks yang lebih terkemuka secara baru dan

      This course covers a representative range of writers from the British Romantic and Victorian era including poets, novelists, essayists, and
      travel writers, and will include discussions of a variety of other artistic genres such as paintings, political cartoons, film, and music. Literary
      texts will be examined thematically in relation to debates central to modernity: nature and the environment; the imagination; slavery;
      revolution; rights; feminism; radicalism; colonialism; and popular culture. This course aims to trace these political and social changes
      through the literature of the nineteenth century, and consider how these historical changes influenced literary writing in English. In the
      process, it looks at some writings that are marginal to the literary canon, and reads more familiar literary texts in new and exciting ways.
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