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48                                  BACHELOR OF SPORTS SCIENCE (EXERCISE SCIENCE)  2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION

                Course Code               VIB3205
                Course Title              SPORTS AND EXERCISE REHABILITATION
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     English
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   VIB1101 Anatomy and Physiology I
                Minimum Requirement(s)    VIB1102 Anatomy and Physiology II
                Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                          1.   Describe the concept of rehabilitation, healing and therapeutic exercise technique in
                                              sports injuries.
                                          2.   Prescribe therapeutic exercise techniques and parameters for rehabilitation of sports
                                              injuries based on the results of the inspection and measurement of certain parts of
                                              the body.
                                          3.   Design a comprehensive program of sports rehabilitation
                Synopsis of Course Contents   At the end of this course, students will be able to evaluate injuries and prescribe
                                          appropriate treatment and exercise in the process of rehabilitation of sports injuries.
                                          Students will also be exposed to the factors that must be followed to ensure that athletes
                                          safely return to play back with less risk of injury recurring. In addition, this course will
                                          expose the students in a practical way about rehabilitation process inside or outside the
                Main Reference            1.  Peggy  A.  Houglum.  (2001),  Therapeutic  exercise  for  musculoskeletal  injuries,  2
                                             Edition. Human Kinetics, USA.

                                          2. Brukner, P & Khan, K. (2007), Clinical Sports Medicine, 3
                                             Edition. MgGraw Hill, Sydney

                                          3. Hyde, TE & Gengenbach, SM. (2007). Conservative
                                             Approach of Sports Injuries, 2  Edition. Jones and Bartlett.
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                          Final Examination  : 40%
                Soft Skills               Communication Skills - CS6
                                          Critical Thinking and Problem Solving – CTPS7
                                          Team Work Skills – TS3
                                          Life Long Learning and Information Management -LL3
                                          Entrepreneurial Skills – ES2

                Course Code               VIB3206
                Course Title              ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     Malay Language & English Language
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   None
                Minimum Requirement(s)
                Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                          1.   Explain the concept of adapted physical activity and disability sport
                                          2.   Discuss issues related to disability sport
                                          3.   Adapt physical activities to suit the functional potential of individuals with disabilities
                                          4.   Conduct physical activity and sports for persons with disabilities
                Synopsis of Course Contents   The  course  covers  theoretical  and  practical  sessions  of  adapted  physical  activity  and
                                          sports for various categories of disabilities, such as individuals with neurological disability,
                                          visual  impairment,  hearing  impairment  and  intellectual  impairment.  This  course  also
                                          discusses the history, current legislation, growth factors, as well as the development and
                                          assessment of adapted physical activity.
                Main Reference            Winnick, J. P. & Porretta, D. L. (Eds.). (2016). Adapted physical education and sport (6
                                          ed.).Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
                                          Zittel, L., Pyfer, J., & Auxter, D. (2016). Principles and methods of adapted physical
                                          education and recreation (12  ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                          Final Examination  : 40%
                Soft Skills               Team Work - TS2
                                          Life Long Learning and Information Management -LL2

                Course Code               VIB3207
                Course Title              APPLIED RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     Malay, English
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   VIB2101 Research Methods and Statistics in Exercise and Sport
                Minimum Requirement(s)
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61