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43                                  BACHELOR OF SPORTS SCIENCE (EXERCISE SCIENCE)  2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION

                                          2.   Mallen, C. & Adams, L. (2008). Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event
                                              Management: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions. Elsevier
                                              Incorporated; Burlington. MA
                                          3.   Pedersen,  P.M.  &  Thibault,  L.  (2015)  Contemporary  Sport  Management.  Human
                                              Kinetics: Champaign, IL.
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment : 60%
                                          Final Examination   : 40%
                Soft Skills               Life-Long Learning and Information Management - LL2
                                          Professional Ethics and Moral - EM2

                Course Code               VIX2004
                Course Title              WEIGHT TRAINING
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     English, Malay Languages
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   None
                Minimum Requirement(s)
                Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                          1.   Describe the scientific principles to produce an effective program.
                                          2.   Explain acute and chronic variables in designing a weight training program.
                                          3.   Differentiate  between  types  of  weight  training  including  isometric,  isokinetic,
                                              plyometric, and variables in weight training.
                                          4.   Develop a training program using the elements of fitness for athletes who require and
                                              do not require high skills.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This course will introduce students to the principles of weight training and preparation of
                                          weight training programs. Practical sessions are also included so that students can
                                          master the various types of weight training and apply them in demonstration sessions.

                Main Reference            1.   Hoffman,  J.  (Ed.)  (2011).  National  Strength  &  Conditioning  Association.  NSCA’s
                                              Guide to Program Design (Science of Strength and Conditioning)
                                          2.   NSCA. National Strength & Conditioning Association (2011). NSCA’s Essentials of
                                              Personal Training – 2  Edition.
                                          3.   Delavier, F. (2010). Strength Training Anatomy, 3rd Edition.
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment : 60%
                                          Final Examination   : 40%
                Soft Skills               Communication Skills - CS3
                                          Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - CTPS3
                                          Teamwork Skills - TS2
                                          Life-Long Learning and Information Management - LL2
                                          Entrepreneurial Skills - ES1
                                          Professional Ethics and Moral - EM2
                                          Leadership Skills - LS2

                Course Code               VIX2005
                Course Title              HEALTH, WELLNESS AND FITNESS
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     English and Malay Languages
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   None
                Minimum Requirement(s)
                Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                          1.   describe the need to be healthy, well and fit
                                          2.   identify common related terminologies
                                          3.   relate the importance exercise and fitness to lifelong health
                                          4.   differentiate a variety of exercise techniques and programs
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This course provides understanding of the concepts in health, wellness and fitness. The
                                          role of exercise in everyday life will be highlighted. Students will be exposed to the various
                                          types of different exercises and fitness program available. The focus of this course will be
                                          to  underline  the  importance  of  exercise  and  fitness  in  improving  personal  health  and
                Main Reference                                                              th
                                          1.   Corbin, Charles et al (2008). Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 7 ed.
                                          2.   Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach.
                                              Gregory Welk Charles Corbin. McGraw-Hill Education, 2013
                                          3.   Fit and Well : Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness. Fahey,
                                              Thomas D. (Thomas Davin). McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2007
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment : 60%
                                          Final Examination   : 40%
                Soft Skills               Communication Skills - CS3
                                          Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - CTPS2
                                          Teamwork Skills - TS2
                                          Life-Long Learning and Information Management - LL2
                                          Professional Ethics and Moral - EM2
                                          Leadership Skills - LS2
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