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47                                  BACHELOR OF SPORTS SCIENCE (EXERCISE SCIENCE)  2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION

                Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                          1.   Define the theories  related to the principles of coaching
                                          2.   Apply the Sports Science discipline such as physiology, biomechanics, psychomotor
                                              and pedagogy in sports training sessions.
                                          3.   Explain different coaching methods that can be used.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   The  course  consists  of  biophysical  and  social  sciences  fields  related  to  sports  and
                                          coaching.  Students  must  attend  practical  activities,  such  as  fitness  training  and  skills,
                                          based  on  the  principles  of  physiology,  biomechanics,  learning  and  teaching  and

                Main Reference            a)  Nash, C. Ed. (2015). Practical sports coaching. Routledge: Oxford, UK
                                          b)  Jones, R. L. & Kingston, K. (2015). An introduction to sports coaching: Connecting
                                            theory to practice (2nd Ed.). Routledge: UK.
                                          c)  Mohamad Faithal Haji Hassan, & Morgan, K. (2015). Effects of the mastery
                                            intervention programme on the motivational climate & achievement goals in sports
                                            coaching: A pilot study. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. Vol.
                                            10 (2+3).
                                          d)  Jowett, S., & Lavallee, D. (2007). Social psychology in sport. In S. Jowett & D.
                                            Lavallee (Eds.), Social psychology in sport. Loughbrough, UK: Human Kinetics.
                                          e)  Christine, R. W., Corcos. D. M. (1988). Coaches guide to teaching sport skills.
                                            Human Kinetics Books, Champaign, Illinois.
                                          f)  Martens, R. (1990). Successful coaching (2nd Ed.). Leisure Press, Champaign,
                                          g)  Pyke, F. S. (1980). Towards better coaching. Australian Coaching Council, Australian
                                            Government Publishing Service, Canberra
                                          h)  Bompa, T. O. & Carrera, M. C. (2005). Periodization training for sports (2nd Ed).
                                            Human Kinetics. Champaign IL
                                              Cook, M. J. (1999). Effective coaching. McGraw Hill. NY
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                          Final Examination  : 40%
                Soft Skills
                                          Communication Skills – CS3
                                          Critical thinking and problem solving – CTPS3
                                          Team Work Skills – TS2
                                          Professional Ethics and Moral – EM2
                                          Leadership Skills – LS2

                Course Code               VIB3204
                Course Title              EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION FOR HEALTH AND FITNESS
                Credit                    3
                Medium of Instruction     English and Malay Language
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/   VIB2002 Exercise Physiology and Sports
                Minimum Requirement(s)    VIB2102 Nutritions and Energy Balance in Exercise and Sports
                Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                          1.   Categorize health-related and skill-related components in sport and to compare them
                                              with health risk factors.
                                          2.   Measure the level of fitness before and after the exercise program with precision.
                                          3.   Design an exercise program for sedentary individuals, athletes or special population.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This  course  provides  the  knowledge,  skills,  and  abilities  for  exercise  testing  and
                                          prescription,  and to  review  benefits  of  health-related  regular  physical  activity.  Detailed
                                          information  and  norms  are  given  for  a  variety  of  body  composition,  aerobic  and
                                          musculoskeletal fitness tests. Students will be exposed to the concepts of screening and
                                          testing,  exercise  program  prescription,  and  exercise  metabolic.  Students  will  follow
                                          practical sessions inside or outside laboratory depending on the learning objectives. The
                                          course also allows students to prepare themselves for international certifications.
                Main Reference             1.   ACSM’s resource manual for exercise testing and prescription. 2012. Lippincott
                                               and William publisher.
                                           2.   ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. 2015. Lippincott and
                                               William publisher.
                                           3.   Carl N. King, and Mark D. Senn. 2012. Exercise testing and prescription. Springer
                                           4.   William Beam and Gene Adams. 2014. Exercise physiology laboratory manual, 7
                                               edition. McGraw-Hill publisher.
                Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                          Final Examination  : 40%
                Soft Skills               Communication Skills – CS3
                                          Team Work skills – TS2
                                           Life Long Learning and Information Management – LL1
                                          Professional Ethics and Moral – EM2
                                          Leadership Skills – LS2
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