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                                              BACHELOR OF EXERCISE SCIENCE  2024/2025 ACADEMIC SESSION

                    Course Code              VIB3006
                    Course Title             APPLIED RESEARCH METHOD IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE
                    Credit                   3
                    Medium of Instruction    English and Malay Language
                    Course Pre-requisite(s)/   VIB2005 Research Methods and Statistics in Exercise and Sport
                    Minimum Requirement(s)
                    Learning Outcomes        At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                             1.   Synthesize reported research
                                             2.   Perform data analysis using SPSS
                                             3.   Use boolean search in conducting a literature
                    Synopsis of Course Contents   This course emphasizes a systematic literature search in addition to the interpretation,
                                             critical  review  and  evaluation  of  research  articles.  Practical  skills  to  enter  the  data,
                                             analyze and interpret quantitative data using SPSS software will also be taught.
                    Main Reference            1.   Smith, M. F. (2021). Doing research in sport and exercise. London: Sage.
                                              2.   Verma, J. P. (2016). Sports research with analytical solution using SPSS.
                                                 Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
                    Assessment Methods       Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                             Final Examination  : 40%

                    Course Code               VIB3017
                    Course Title              EXERCISE SCIENCE INTERNSHIP
                    Credit                    6
                    Medium of Instruction     English and Malay Language
                    Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   Completed all University Course, Faculty Core Courses, Faculty Elective Courses, Core
                    Requirement(s)            Programs and Programs Elective Courses Programs
                    Learning Outcomes         At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                               1.   Identify the needs and expectations of potential employers in the field of exercise
                                               2.   Apply the knowledge, abilities and other additional information during the
                                                  practical stint.
                                               3.   Express the soft skills obtained from learning experience during the industrial
                                                  training placement
                                               4.   Prepare a written report about the working experience
                    Synopsis of Course Contents   This  course  is  a  practical  training  for  all  the  exercise  science  knowledge  learnt
                                              throughout  the  program.  Students  will  be  placed  under  the  supervision  of  certain
                                              employees in the selected organization and they will carry out tasks according to work
                                              specifications given by the officer for one  whole semester. At the end  of  this course,
                                              students  will  have  to  prepare  a  report  describing  their  experiences  as  well  as  the
                                              working  reality  throughout  their  placement  served  as  a  student  intern  in  the
                    Main Reference            -Irrelevant-
                    Assessment Methods        Continuous Assessment: 100%
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