Page 21 - MSAL 2023/2024
P. 21

Course Code                VQB7003
                Course Title               SPORTS ADMINISTRATION

                Credit                     3
                Course Learning            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.  Explain  several  administration  theories  and  analyze  its
                                              relationship with the functions of sport administrator
                                           2.  Apply the knowledge  and administrative skills in sport
                                           3.  Demonstrate  ideas  and  strategies  to  solve  various  issues in
                                              sport administration
                Synopsis                   After completing this course, students will be able to explain: the
                                           meaning and theories of sport administration; functions of a sport
                                           administrator; identify the similarities and differences between sport
                                           administration and sport management. Students will explore some
                                           areas included in sport administration such as: administration of
                                           sport program; problem  and challenges in sport  administration;
                                           identify the characteristics of an efficient and effective sport
                                           organizations; execute a practical administration strategies; making
                                           sure of effective communication processes; supervising and
                                           controlling staff; providing logistical plan which include web sites
                                           and information systems, store keeping, and yearly sport activities
                                           scheduling. Finally, the course will investigate the trend and issues
                                           in sport administration towards research in sport administration.
                Main Reference                1)  Russel H., Aaron C.T..Smith, Mathew N., & Bob. S.
                                                  (2015). Sport Management: Principles and Applications,
                                                  4th Ed. Routledge
                                              2)  Olympic Solidarity (2014) Sport Administration Manual.
                                                  International Olympic Committee. Calgary, Canada: Roger
                                                  Jackson & Associates Ltd.
                                              3)  Leonard, R. (2008). The Administrative Side of Coaching:
                                                  Applying Business Concepts to Athletic Program
                                                  Administration and Coaching, 2nd Ed.
                                              4)  Slack, Trevor & Parents Milena. M. (2005) Understanding
                                                  Sport Organisations: The application of organisation
                                                  theory. HPB-Ohio: Human Kinetics Publishes
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                           Final Examination: 40%

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