Page 23 - MSAL 2023/2024
P. 23

Course Code                VQB7005
                Course Title               SPORTS SPONSORSHIP
                Credit                     3
                Course Learning            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.  Explain and interpret the sponsorship value of athlete, concepts
                                              of brands and fans
                                           2.  To understand and practice the sponsorship acquisition
                                              process, evaluate the evolution, trends and major drivers in the
                                              sport industry
                                           3.  Prepare and present a sport sponsorship proposal
                Synopsis                   Students will be provided with the practical  and theoretical
                                           knowledge of sponsorship to support their organisational  sport
                                           activities. Students will also  gain  hands-on experience preparing
                                           grant applications and  sponsorship proposals and develop an
                                           appreciation of sponsorship theory and strategy as it applies to the
                                           competitive sport marketplace. This subject also examines the role
                                           of sponsorship  in the  continued  survival of professional and
                                           amateur sport. It looks at how these partnerships must be designed
                                           to create win-win situations for all parties and how sport
                                           organisations must optimize this relationship
                Main Reference                1)  Stotlar, D.K & Nagel, M.S. (2017). Developing Successful
                                                  Sport Sponsorship Plan 5th Edition
                                              2)  J., Hardy, S., & Sutton, W. A. (2018). Sport marketing.
                                                  Human Kinetics
                                              3)  Woodward, R., (2018). How to Attract and Retain
                                                  Sponsors and Partners: A practical guide to obtaining
                                                  long-term corporate revenue for your organisation Author.
                                                  Australian eBook Publisher
                                              4)  Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M., & Lorgnier, N. (Eds.).
                                                  (2017). Routledge Handbook of Football Marketing. Taylor
                                                  & Francis
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                           Final Examination: 40%

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