Page 28 - MSAL 2023/2024
P. 28

Course Code                VQB7010
                Course Title               ADVANCED SPORT EVENT
                Credit                     3
                Course Learning            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.  Study the concept of sport event  management and it
                                              relationship with management theory
                                           2.  Integrate the development of sport event industry and explain
                                              the component of sport event management
                                           3.  Apply the skills of marketing, sponsorship, risk  management
                                              and assessment in sporting events
                Synopsis                   The  concept of sports event  management  will be explained to
                                           students  from  a historical  perspective  and evolution of
                                           management. The diversity of events, from community recreation
                                           programs to professional competitions and the Olympics, demands
                                           the attention  of administrators  and event  managers  to master
                                           management skills, especially decision-making process. For that
                                           reason, a comprehensive and long-term event planning is vital by
                                           providing proposals, defining types of events, developing
                                           objectives, identifying venues, event budgeting, marketing and
                                           sponsorship strategies. The success of sporting events depends
                                           largely on  media engagement, timelines, schedules and  job
                                           description of staff. Management of sports events must consider
                                           safety and risk aspects as well as the after-event evaluation process
                Main Reference                1)  Aicher, T.J;Poule-Koba, A.L. & Newland, B.L. (2016) Sport
                                                  Facility and Event Management, USA: Jones & Bartlett
                                              2)  Glenn McCartney (2010). Event Management; An Asian
                                                  Perspective. Mc Graw Hill. Singapore
                                              3)  Ammon, R.;Southall, R.M. & Blair, D.A. (2004) Sport
                                                  Facility Management: Organizing Events and Mitigating
                                                  Risks. The University of Michigan, USA: Fitness
                                                  Information Technology
                                              4)  Mohd Salleh Aman (Ed.) (2006) Pengurusan Sukan
                                                  Aplikasinya di Malaysia. Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur:
                                                  UM Press
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                           Final Examination: 40%

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