Page 25 - MSAL 2023/2024
P. 25

Course Code                VQB7007
                Course Title               VALUES AND ETHICS IN SPORT
                Credit                     3
                Course Learning            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.  Analyse theories of sociology of sport, policy and sport
                                              development history
                                           2.  Evaluate issues related to deviant behavior and specific groups
                                              in sport
                                           3.  Construct plan and strategies to develop positive values  in
                Synopsis                   This  course  will  provide an  in-depth  exploration on  values and
                                           issues in sport. Student will understand the important of sport to
                                           society and the benefits of sport to individual. Student also will be
                                           exposed the ‘bad things’ about sport such as a few sports foster a
                                           culture of violence and sports can produce many athletes who are
                                           negative role models. As a future sport administrators and leaders,
                                           student have to differentiate the concept of sport for all versus high
                                           performance sport. Under the concept of sport for all student will
                                           learn how sport improve health and well-being, putting children and
                                           young people on a positive life course and building stronger and
                                           more  inclusive  communities.  Under  the  concept  of  high
                                           performance sport, student will learn sport as a profession in which
                                           the process started with talent identification, athlete development,
                                           competition, a sport trip and athlete career program. There is now
                                           a trend towards professionalism, as defined both in monetary and
                                           full time training terms.
                                           Administrators, leaders, coaches and athletes at the highest levels
                                           of competition are  essentially  full  time,  receiving support from
                                           government, their association, sponsors and employment as
                                           athletes. Following that, there are issues occured such as athletes
                                           and  money, doping, competition fixing fair play, violence and
                                           harassment, and ethics in sport.
                Main Reference                1)  Coakley, J. (2017). Sport in Society: Issues and
                                                  Controversies (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill
                                              2)  Houlihan, B, & Malcolm, D. (2016). Sport and Society
                                                  (3rd.ed.). thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Publications Inc.
                                              3)  Woods, R. B. (2015). Social Issues in Sport (3rd ed.).
                                                  Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                           Final Examination: 40%

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