Page 29 - MSAL 2023/2024
P. 29

Course Code                VQB7011
                Course Title               SAFETY AND RISK IN SPORTS
                Credit                     3
                Course Learning            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                Outcomes                   1.  Apply safety procedure and risk management in sport
                                           2.  Explain the leadership responsibilities in safety and risk
                                              management is sport
                                           3.  Evaluate the formation of safety culture and the development
                                              of risk management plan in sport entrepreneurship
                Synopsis                   The concept of safety and risk will be studied from  a sports
                                           perspective.  Safety  is  a  risk-controlled  situation,  while  risk  is  a
                                           danger consisting of various types and levels  depending on the
                                           activities,  locations, participants, equipment and  sports facilities.
                                           Safety and risk issues in sports are interrelated. In the sports event
                                           industry for example, the higher the level of safety, the lower the
                                           level of risk that will be faced. On the other hand, the higher the risk
                                           management efficiency, the higher the safety level of the event.
                                           Safety and risk issues in the competitions, at sports business
                                           premises and sports agencies involving owners, organizers,
                                           participants and spectators will be discussed. Finally, an
                                           assessment of the components that make up the safety culture such
                                           as attitudes, awareness, acceptance, analysis and action will be
                                           made. This is followed by the development of risk management
                                           plans in sports that take into  account the complete information
                                           system, responsibility structure, safety and health plans as well as
                                           action compliance checklists
                Main Reference             1.  Moiseichik, M & Young S.J. (2019). Risk management for park,
                                              recreation and leisure services (7th eds). Sagamore Venture:
                                           2.  Olympic Solidarity (2014) Sport Administration Manual.
                                              International Olympic Committee. Calgary, Canada: Roger
                                              Jackson & Associates Ltd.
                                           3.  Sport Safety Committee (2015). Overview and
                                              Recommendations for Sports Safety in Singapore
                                           4.  Donaldson, A., Borys, D., & Finch, C. F. (2013). Understanding
                                              safety managment system applicability in community sport.
                                              Safety Science, 60, 95-104
                                           5.  Attarian, A. (2012). Risk management in outdoor and
                                              adventure programs: Scenarios of accidents, incidents and
                                              misadventures. Human Kinetics: Champaign
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                           Final Examination: 40%

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