Page 31 - MSC 2023/2024
P. 31

Course Code               VQX7003

                 Course Title              SKILL ACQUISITION AND EXPERTISE IN SPORTS

                 Credit                    3

                 Course Learning           At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.  Describe advanced concepts in motor learning and expertise
                                              in sports
                                           2.  Identify latest issues in research and practice that is related to
                                              expertise and skilled performance
                                           3.  Design practice sessions that can enhance the learning
                                              experience through the manipulation of practice conditions
                 Synopsis                  This course centres on ways to organise practice which can lead to
                                           skills being acquired and learnt. It also focusses on how previously
                                           learnt skills can be improved and refined. In addition, how skilled
                                           and expert performance can be developed and retained  is also
                 Main Reference            1. Starkes, J. L., & Ericsson, K. A. (2003). Expert Performance in
                                             Sport: Recent Advances in Research on Sport Expertise.
                                             Champaign. IL: Human Kinetics.
                                           2. Hodges, N. J., & Williams, A. M. (2012). Skill acquisition in
                                             sport: research, theory and practice (2  ed.). London ; New
                                             York: Routledge.
                 Assessment Weightage      Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                           Final Examination: 40%

                 Soft Skills               1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills – CTPS 2, 4

                                           2. Life Long Learning and Information Management –LL1, 2
                                           3. Communication Skills – CS 2,3

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