Page 29 - MSC 2023/2024
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Course Code               VQC7011
                                           STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING PRACTICUM
                 Course Title

                 Credit                    3
                 Course Learning           At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.  Apply information and knowledge they have learnt during their
                                              studies to clients seeking strength and conditioning services

                                           2.  Adopt learning experience through practicum with a strength
                                              and conditioning service provider
                                           3.  Organise a strength and conditioning event for the public
                                           4.  Prepare reports on the overall practicum experience and lab
                 Synopsis                  This course  is  designed  to  help  students gain  real  life  practical
                                           experience by working with a strength and conditioning service
                                           provider. Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge and
                                           practical  skills  gained  during  their  studies  into  their  practicum.
                                           Client assessment, testing, designing  a training  program,
                                           evaluation  and  reporting  will  be  among  the  emphasis.  An
                                           awareness event for the public on physical conditioning will also be
                                           a highlight for this course. This will be a fully practical course which
                                           will be conducted in the laboratory, gymnasium, multipurpose hall
                                           or field.

                 Main Reference               1)  Baechle T.R. and Earle R.W. (2008). Essentials of
                                                  Strength Training and Conditioning. 3rd Ed Human
                                                  Kinetics, IL.
                                              2)  Ratamess N. (2012). ACSM’s Foundations of Strength
                                                  and Conditioning. American College of Sports Medicine.
                                                  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Indianapolis, IN.
                                              3)  American College of Sports Medicine (2017). ACSM’s
                                                  Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. 10th Ed.
                                                  Wolters Kluwer New York.
                 Assessment Weightage      Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                           Final Examination: 40%

                 Soft Skills               Entrepreneurial Skills – ES1-ES2

                                           Leadership skills – LS1-LS4

                                           Ethics, moral and professionalisme

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