Page 26 - MSC 2023/2024
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Course Code               VQC7008
                                           ADVANCED RESISTANCE TRAINING AND CONDITIONING 2
                 Course Title

                 Credit                    3
                 Course Learning           At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.  Demonstrate correct and safe physical conditioning exercises
                                              for the different population group

                                           2.  Apply a variety of physical conditioning  methods and
                                              programme variables
                                           3.  Design a strength and conditioning training program according
                                              to the needs of different population groups
                 Synopsis                  This  course will  cover  both  theory  and  practical  components  of
                                           strength and conditioning. This course is an extension to the
                                           Advanced Strength and Conditioning 1 and will focus on various
                                           anaerobic (i.e. plyometric, speed and agility) and aerobic training
                                           programs. The highlight of  this course will include physical
                                           conditioning for special population. Training programs will take into
                                           account the developmental stages for children, aging process for
                                           older persons and physiological changes that occur during
                                           pregnancies. Ultimately a safe and systematic physical
                                           conditioning approach will be taught. The practical session will be
                                           conducted in the laboratory, gymnasium of in the field.

                 Main Reference               1)  Baechle T.R. and Earle R.W. (2008). Essentials of
                                                  Strength Training and Conditioning. 3  Ed Human
                                                  Kinetics, IL.
                                              2)  Ratamess N. (2012). ACSM’s Foundations of Strength
                                                  and Conditioning. American College of Sports Medicine.
                                                  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Indianapolis, IN.
                                              3)  Chandler T.F. and Broen L.E. (2013). Conditioning for
                                                  strength and human performance. Lippincott Williams &
                 Assessment Weightage      Continuous Assessment: 60%

                                           Final Examination: 40%
                 Soft Skills               1.Communication Skills : CS1-CS8

                                           2. Group work – TS1-TS5

                                           3. Leadership skills – LS1-LS3

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