Page 15 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine 01 June 2022 - Final (4)
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          past patient experiences. I only had one book          It was an experience while studying. We
          with very little information. Even the doctors were   initiated a group. We educated the
          very limited in this field in my country. I was so   faculty on how to provide a more accessible
          depressed, and my family’s hope deteriorated. It    environment for students with disabilities.
          was mostly my own dream. How can I continue         We had a mission and met the faculty deans and
          my education when I depended on the wheelchair      simulated why we needed a special
          most of the time.                                   an accessible path like ramps and toilets for the
                                                              physically disabled at the faculty. Most importantly,
            I read a lot of motivational books. I recited     we were the first to establish an association for
          the Quran and the Tafseer. I watched television.    students with disabilities at the University of
          One day, I saw a lady who became injured due        Malaya called Persatuan Mahasiswa Istimewa
          to sports activities, and she was in a wheelchair   Universiti Malaya (PERMIUM). We engaged a
          but continued her life as an ordinary person. That   lot with the student representatives, Residential
          sparked an idea within me! Then I told myself, “If   College Masters, Deans, Vice-Chancellor and
          she can, why can’t I?”                              others. We participated in many events and

            I have a new vision. I am not going to stop at    avenues to make ourselves visible for others to
          this point. I shall continue. I will continue       better understand our needs.
          my therapy and lessons. I will equip myself to         I was glad to see that the campus had improved
          pursue my studies again. I shall change             quite a lot since I graduated. Currently, they have
          my mind. I must be positive. No matter what my      a special unit at the Students Affairs for Students
          condition is, I need to continue and be             with Disabilities. A policy for students with
          “me” again. Even though it seems hard and           disabilities has been introduced. There has been a
          challenging.                                        lot of improvement and progress, not only in the

            I learned about being a paraplegic. I equipped    environment and physical accessibility but also in
          myself with how to live on my own once I continue   the policies and personal attitudes. I was pleased
          as a student on campus. I tried to convince my      to see all the progress. Above all the progress,
          family that I can live on my own                    I hope that students with disabilities can benefit
          abroad. My family was very reluctant to let me go.   and take the opportunity to contribute back to
          However, I was determined. I must do                society, and most importantly, to the disabled
          what I need to do. I have a life to build. I was not   community.
          going to be dependent on my
          siblings all the time. They have their own lives too.
          My parents were not going to live forever. I have
          seen live evidence on TV. I want to be like them

            I booked a flight and went back to Kuala
          Lumpur and continued my studies. The campus
          had a positive environment. Seniors and friends
          were very supportive. They helped a lot. Some
          lecturers were assisting too. Even strangers helped
          me on rainy days. They gave me a lift back to the
          residential college where I stayed.
                                                                hamidah was interviewed by the media after her
            I met a few students with disabilities on           graduation ceremony in University of Malaya, 2021.
          campus. Some were blind, and others had physical      (Image source: hamidah Hassan)
          disabilities with varied categories. It boosted me.
          Never give up and practice                           Th author is currently leading the publication on social
                                                               issues, policy and social work in Malaysia. She also enjoys
          continuously to be positive.                         reading, travelling and listening to music.

                                                                             Vol. 01, Issue 1 | June 2022   14
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