Page 10 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine 01 June 2022 - Final (4)
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          the visual disability category which stood at 34.8%   according to the Ministry of Human Resources in
          and 8.9% respectively. The lowest statistics of 0.5%   2010. In 2015, the Economic Planning Unit under
          was attributed to the speech impairment category,   the Prime Minister’s Department reported that
          as shown in the chart below:                        only 3,332 PWDs were employed by government
                                                              agencies as reported by DSWM in 2015. In
                                                              addition, there was no data available on PWDs
                                                              working in the private sector. However, in 2015, it
                                                              was estimated that 75,000 PWDs were working in
                                                              the private sector as they were recipients of the
                                                              ‘’disabled worker’s allowance’’ that was paid out
                                                              by the Government of Malaysia.

                                                                 Unemployment issues and low participation of
                                                              PWDs in the Malaysian workforce are not a rarity,
                                                              with many studies revealing damning assertions
                                                              on this topic. Thus, what is pertinent about
                                                              the unemployment rate, especially among the
                                                              marginalised groups like PWDs, that it demands
                                                              so much attention? Why does it cause such a huge
            Figure 1: Number of PWDs registered with the      concern among the public and the government?
            Department of Social Welfare Malaysia (2018), based on   According to scholars, gaining employment would
            disability category                               not only enrich a person from an economic point
                                                              of view but also uplift a person’s status, self-
            However, this data does not entirely reflect      esteem and dignity in society while providing a
          the reality of PWDs in Malaysia. One can draw       sense of purpose in life and independence. This
          comparisons with the report by the World Health     is an essential aspect of human life and should
          Organization and the World Bank in 2011 which       also include PWDs, who are entitled to have equal
          showed that Malaysia had only registered a          rights as dictated in the constitution.
          meagre 1% to 2% of PWDs out of their entire
          population. This figure fell below the average rate    In general, being in employment has a vital
          of 15% that was reported for the global number of   influence on the health and well-being of a person,
          PWDs and did not take into consideration the fact   especially for those with disabilities. It leads to
          that the percentage of PWDs ought to be higher in   better mental health, financial stability and a sense
          developing countries like Malaysia.                 of purpose and fulfilment in one’s life. Sustainable
                                                              employment is an essential pillar to leading a good
            In terms of the unemployment rate of              life, obtaining stable accommodation and sound
          PWDs, the United Nations reported that 80%          education. In recent years, most policymakers
          to 90% of PWDs of the working-age were              worldwide have focused on securing jobs for
          unemployed in developing nations. In contrast,      PWDs, with Malaysia being no exception. This
          developed countries registered a 50% to 70%         effort requires supportive policies, significant
          rate of unemployment among PWDs. While the          actions to reduce stigma, greater incentives for
          unemployment level in itself has become a global    employers and job seekers, a substantial shift of
          issue, regardless of whether a person is disabled or  attitude, and a long-term commitment from all
          otherwise, the problem is more prevalent among      levels of society.
          PWDs. For instance, PWDs of the working-age
          recorded twice the unemployment rate compared          However, being employed is insufficient if it
          to those who have no disabilities in most           does not come with a high-quality employment
          developed nations.                                  package. A substandard job, characterized by
                                                              low security, minimal control, and high demands,
            Malaysia reported that 95% of PWDs were           causes more harm than good to PWDs. In addition,
          unemployed, which is an extremely high figure       being underpaid has a more significant impact

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