Page 7 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine 01 June 2022 - Final (4)
P. 7

                                      Being Political! Being Visible!

                                                             Fritz Enjhay
                                                             O. Cepe

                uring the Last Election in 2019, I was slightly  provide a comfortable voting station for PWDs.
                disappointed as I exercised my right to vote   Moreover, the database system of PWDs should
          Dbecause unexpectedly, the assigned polling         be evaluated and serve as a basis for the COMELEC
          station for me was located in an inaccessible area   to classify the different forms of PWDs who have
          with no ramp. This caused me difficulty to move     the right to vote and for early designation or
          and manoeuvre my wheelchair. With what I have       assignment of the appropriate voting area/rooms
          experienced, I must say that most precinct stations   for the PWDs sector. Proper training of COMELEC
          used here in our town have poor accessibility       Personnel and volunteers should be conducted on
          facilities for PWDs, considering that schools are   proper handling and management of PWDs during
          mostly being used.                                  times of election casting.

            It has been observed that most schools here          Another sphere of participation in political and
          in our municipality are not yet properly equipped   public life is being involved in a non-governmental
          with adequate PWDs-friendly facilities, and are     organization. Currently, I am one of the
          not yet compliant with the required facilities.     members of Assossasyon ng may Kapansanan sa
          Despite this, COMELEC Volunteers were sensitive     Municipalidad ng San Jose de Buenavista Antique
          enough to consider my condition and assisted me     (AKMA) and a representative of Cerebral Palsy
          to relocate my voting station to ensure a more      here in the Province of Antique. Previously, I held a
          convenient and comfortable place for me to          position as a Vice President of our Association and
          exercise my right to suffrage.                      treasurer in the Association of Differently-Abled
                                                              Person, Inc. Antique.
            Some stakeholders are aware of how to handle
          PWDs during the Election Period. But some are          I was also a former contractual job work
          not. Thus, as an advocate person for disability     employee in the Persons with Disability Affairs
          rights, I have to ensure that information, advocacy   Office of the Provincial Government of Antique
          and education campaigns for PWDs needs and          under the supervision of the PSWDO, and currently
          logistics should be properly implemented and        one of their consultants on Advocacy Disability
          institutionalized. It is also imperative to promote a   Rights and facilitator on the Community Based
          PWDs-friendly environment during election time      Inclusive and Development Program. Besides
          to ensure a higher percentage of participation      that, I am a member of the Rotary Club of Antique
          in exercising the right to vote amongst PWDs.       District 3850 and am designated as an IT Specialist.
          Likewise, there is a need to conduct a Disability
          Equality Training for all stakeholders and other       My Involvement in non-government
          people concerned.                                   organizations and associations is to create public
                                                              awareness about the need, aspirations and
            In addition, there is a need to further assess    abilities of PWDs. This awareness-raising effort was
          the status of all COMELEC polling stations, and     carried out through my participation as a member,
          most specifically, schools, to prepare them for     a leader, a facilitator, and an educator by lobbying
          the upcoming elections and consideration of         local and national government agencies. I was
          appropriate budget to completely address and        also involved in publishing a newsletter, speaking

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