Page 12 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine 01 June 2022 - Final (4)
P. 12
You Are Special
Nadia Farhana
ragile, weak and helpless. Is that a true laughing happily in the hospital ward with friends
picture of PWDs? What if they were of similar fortune.
Fcompetitive, moving around like normal
human beings so much so people shake their The steadfastness of a human being shines
heads in disbelief? If that were to happen, they through when there are pillars to uphold it. This
might be called extraordinary human beings. means, that human beings cannot live alone, in
Disabled people want to be regarded as normal fact, they are always interdependent to achieve
despite their disabilities, and not be held like a a desire or goal. If a person often feels lonely,
trophy in the air to give an impression that they isolated, and has to deal with a lot of hidden
actually do not possess the power to do so. conflicts, in time, it leads to depression, and the
inability to achieve self-improvement. My views
The life of a renowned global achiever with a are not just based on my personal experiences,
certain disability is certainly not interesting enough but take into account prior studies involving the
a story to tell. No one wants to be born with a disabled community. Low self-esteem will create
dysfunction. However, human life is nothing but stress on PWDs causing emotional instability,
dependent on its Creator’s will; like it or not, you depression, and mental confusion. PWDs are
are chosen, your story is written and you just have associated with social problems that involve
to run the script throughout your life. But, it is aspects of acceptance, adaptation, and interaction
easier said than done. with the environment.
Sharing my experience as a person dealing
with a disability for almost 34 years, there are
1,001 stories that can be told. From birth, I was “
diagnosed as suffering from Arthrogryposis It is my view that PWDs should
Multiplex Congenia (AMC). According to Harold not harbour insecure feelings
Chen on the Medscape Reference website, AMC
refers to the development of multiple joint about their condition and isolate
contractures affecting two or more areas of the themselves from others, rather the
body prior to birth. important thing to do would be to
When I was born, the situation was very embrace their condition. In Islam,
unusual. I was shaped like the letter S, said my it is called redha which means to
father, with crooked arms and legs and my head accept one’s condition and to be
looking upwards. Since my parents were very
concerned, they made sure I was given the best thankful to God for blessing them
treatment, from A to Z until my limbs looked quite with this “gift”.”
human. At least I was able to sit on my own, which
was a wonderful sight for my mother and father. At Recalling the devastation that I went through
a young age, while other children spent their time as a disabled person from birth and as a Muslim
having fun on the playground with friends, I was who relied on the providence of The Almighty, the
11 Vol. 01, Issue 1 | June 2022