Page 9 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine 01 June 2022 - Final (4)
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Gainful Employment for Disabled People
bout the author: Dr Rohana Jani is the are living with disabilities, whether the person
Acting Director and Senior Research Fellow acknowledges the fact or otherwise. This is
Aat Ungku Aziz Center for Development equivalent to approximately 15% of the world’s
Studies, Universiti of Malaya. She holds a BSc population, which by no means is considered
(Mathematics) from Ohio University, Athens, USA; minuscule. 2% to 4% of the world’s population
MSc in Statistics from West Virginia University, USA are considered to have severe disabilities, which
and a PhD in Statistics from Macquarie University, hinders them from fully participating in society. It
Sydney, Australia. She has more than two decades should be the primary focus of every government
of teaching experience in mathematics, statistics to address this issue rather than treating it as an
and data analysis. Her areas of expertise include isolated matter.
Statistical Data Analysis using Multivariate
Techniques, Quantitative Research Methodology, It is estimated that 50% to 70% of PWDs are
Market Research, and Statistical Package for unemployed in industrialised countries. These
the Social Sciences (SPSS) applications. Some of figures escalate to approximately 80% to 90%
her research include the Migration of Human in developing countries as reported by The
Capital (Brain-Drain); Capacity Building Among Washington Times in 2005. In comparison, the
Youths: Development of A Smoke-Free Generation official unemployment rate for PWDs of working
Towards Smoke-Free Malaysia 2045; The Financial age is at least twice as high as those without
Adequacy and Well-Being of University Malaya disabilities. This resonates with the grieving voice
Students; and various topics relating to the impact of the PWDs’ who appeal for affirmative actions
of the COVID-19 pandemic. She is also passionate from the government to enable them to be part of
about cooking and trying out new recipes. the employment sector that has ostracised them.
The topic of employment has been a constant On the other hand, PWDs who managed to
contention among several key players that have secure employment lamented that they would
stormed the world both in good and bad times. have to be content working menial jobs. Some
These key players predominantly consist of researchers claimed that those with disabilities are
policymakers, politicians, academicians, industry much more likely to have substandard jobs than
players, and the general public, who speak of those without disabilities, and this inevitably has
the rights of employment of everyone else but repercussions on their lives.
seldom address the status of a particular group This scene is visualised in the context of
of people – the People with Disabilities (PWDs). Malaysia, like most countries in the world, which
It is very difficult to secure employment for PWDs has seen the number of PWDs increasing. As of
in comparison with those labelled by society 2018, approximately 453,258 registered PWDs
as ordinary people or those who do not have were reported by the Department of Social Welfare
disabilities. Malaysia (DSWM) and the Department of Statistics
In 2011, The World Health Organization Malaysia (DOSM). From this figure, 35.2% of PWDs
and the World Bank estimated that more than were found to be in the physical disability category,
1,000,000,000 people of the world’s population followed by the learning disability category and
Vol. 01, Issue 1 | June 2022 8