Page 65 - Handbook PG 20182019
P. 65

Faculty of Science Postgraduate Booklet, Session 2018/2019

               SQA7001 Research Methodology in Applied Physics

               The course will provide enough knowledge and expertise to the postgraduate students to use the
               proper research methods in their respective research projects. The content of the course involves
               introduction to research Methodology, preparing research proposal, literature review, experimental
               design, report/thesis writing, presentation techniques and ethnics in Research.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment: 100%

               Medium of Instruction:

               Transferable Skills:
               Critical Thinking and problem solving skills, continuous learning and information management

               Humanity Skill:
               CT3, CS4, LL3

                   1.  Michael P. Marder, Research Methods for Science (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
                   2.  I. R. Walker, Reliability in Scientific Research (Cambridge University Press, 2011)

               SQA7002 Research Project

               This  course  requires  students  to  carryout  research  project  assigned  by  Supervisor
               (experimental/computerization/theoretical  calculation).  Students  are  required  to  complete  and
               present a report (> 60 pages) based on the project outcomes.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment: 100%

               Medium of Instruction:

               Transferable Skills:
               Critical thinking and problem solving skills, continuous learning and information management

               Humanity Skill:
               CS4, CT4, LL3, TS3

               Refer to supervisor

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