Page 68 - Handbook PG 20182019
P. 68
Faculty of Science Postgraduate Booklet, Session 2018/2019
SQA 7007 Applied Physics Laboratory
(Pre-requisite SQA7002 Research Project)
This course requires students to carry out extra works (experimental/computational/theoretical
calculation) based on his/her research project (SQA7002). Students are required to complete and
submit a 10 pages report.
Assessment Methods
Continuous Assessment: 100%
Medium of Introduction
Transferable Skills
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills, Continuous Learning and Information Management.
Humanity Skills:
CS1-CS4, CT1-CT4, EM1-EM2, LL1-LL3
Please refer to supervisor.
SQA 7008 Semiconductor Devices
Discussion based on semiconductors, energy band theory, extrinsic semiconductors (n and p types),
charge carrier and transfer theories, optical transitions, p-n junctions, basic device structures and
mechanisms: Schottky diodes, metal/insulator/semiconductor, tunnel diodes, transistors and others,
Photonic devices, LED, solar cells and lasers, Micro wave devices, micro wave technology.
Assessment Methods
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
Medium of Introduction
Transferable Skills
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills, Continuous Learning and Information Management.
Humanity Skills:
CT1-CT4, CS1-CS4, LL1-LL3
1. S. M. Sze, Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, 3 Edition (John Wiley & Sons,
2. Sima Dimitrijev, Principles of Semiconductor Devices (Oxford University Press, 2012).
3. W. Brutting & Ch. Adachi, Physics of Organic Semiconductors. 2 Edition (John Wiley & Sons,