Page 69 - Handbook PG 20182019
P. 69

Faculty of Science Postgraduate Booklet, Session 2018/2019

               SQA 7009 Semiconductor Technology
               (Pre-requisite SQA7008 Semiconductor Devices)

               Introduction:  Semiconductor  devices,  semiconductor  technology,  MOSFET  and  relevant  devices:
               MOS diodes, CMOS, MOS memory structures, power MOSFETs: Crystal growth and epitaxy: silicon
               wafer  production,  GaAs  crystal  growth  technique,  epitaxial  growth,  Film  fabrication:  thermal
               oxidation,  electrical  deposition,  poly-silicon  deposition,  metallization  and  lithography:  Optical
               lithography,  wet  chemical  deposition,  dry  ETSA:  Non-pure  doping,  extrinsic  diffusion,  implant
               defects, integrated device, bipolar technology, MOSFET technology, MESFET technology.

               Assessment Methods
               Continuous Assessment: 50%
               Final Examination: 50%

               Medium of Introduction

               Transferable Skills
               Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills, Continuous Learning and Information Management.

               Humanity Skills:
               CT1-CT4, CS1-CS4, LL1-LL3

               S. M. Sze, Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, 2  Edition, Wiley, 2002.

               SQA 7010 Photonic Technology

               Introduction  to  photonics,  planar  light  circuit,  flame  hydrolysis  fabrication  method,  inductively
               coupled plasma, sputtering, photo-lithography, fibre optic detectors and its applications, fibre optic
               devices, photonics for defence and medicine.

               Assessment Methods
               Continuous Assessment: 50%
               Final Examination: 50%

               Medium of Introduction

               Transferable Skills
               Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills, Continuous Learning and Information Management.

               Humanity Skills:
               CT1-CT4, CS1-CS4, LL1-LL3

                   1.  V.  D.  Martin  &  L.  Desmarais,  Optoelectronics:  The  Introduction:  A  Self-Teaching  Text,
                       Including Basic Concepts, Photometrics, Optics (Delmar Learning, 1997).
                   2.  S. O. Kasap, Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices, 2  Ed. (Prentice Hall,

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