Page 10 - Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Biodiversity _Brochure 2022
P. 10

10      Bachelor of Science in Ecology

                    and Biodiversity


                          Ms. Leong Qi Jia

            Name of company: Proforest Sdn. Bhd.
            Description:  Proforest  is  a  non-profit  group  that
            provides  consultancy  services  that  supports
            companies, governments, and other organisations
            to  implement  commitments  to  the  responsible
            production       and     sourcing      of    agricultural
            commodities and forest products
            Various tasks have provided opportunities for me
            to gain knowledge and experience, these tasks are
            (1) Attending online training course that enhanced
            my  knowledge  on  the  High  Conservation  Values-
            High Carbon Stock (HCV-HCS) concept, (2) Revising
            articles from the Palm Oil Toolkit that improved my
            proofreading and translating skills,

            (3) Organising information for the NDPE IRF (No Deforestation, No Expansion on Peat, and
            No  Exploitation  Implementation  Reporting  Framework)  that  polished  my  formatting
            skills,  and  (4)  Performing  desk  review  on  the  Comply  Chain:  Business  Tools  for  Labor
            Compliance in Global Supply Chains that strengthened my summarising skills.

            The  internship  module  of  BSc  in  Ecology  and  Biodoversity  have  helped  in  my  capacity
            development.  In  Proforest,  a  consultancy  company  for  agricultural  commodities  and

            forest products, I have improved desk research skills and able to conceptualise the supply
            chain of agricultural commodities. I have also gained understanding that sustainability
            involves  both  environmental  and  social  issues  and  also  learned  how  to  conduct  an
            organisation  meeting  professionally  and  with  systematic  follow  up  action.  Among  the
            projects  that  I  was  involved  in  was  revising  articles  from  the  Palm  Oil  Toolkit  and
            organising information for the NDPE IRF (No Deforestation, No Expansion on Peat, and No
            Exploitation Implementation Reporting Framework).

            Overall, the internship experienceis definitely a great beginning to prepareinterns for the
            corporate world, in termsof general administrative work, specific technicalwork, as well
            as observation on themodern hybrid working culture.
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