Page 63 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Assessment Methods:                              SIK 3001    RESEARCH PROJECT IN BIOHEALTH
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                              SCIENCE
               Final Examination:    60%

               Medium of Instruction:                           Candidate will conduct research in any field and topic that
               English                                          is connected with any aspects of Biohealth Sciences under
                                                                the  supervision  of  one  or  two  lecturers.    The  research
                                                                project  will  be  conducted  over  a period  of  2  consecutive
               Main References:                                 semesters.    At  the  end  of  the  second  semester  the
               1.  Micozzi, M.S. (2015). Fundamentals of Complementary
                  and Alternative Medicine. Saunders/Elsevier, St. Louis,   candidate must complete a thesis which will be submitted
                  Missouri.                                     for assessment as well as present research findings in a
                                                                seminar or as poster.
               2.  Kayne,  S.  B.  (2008).  Complemtary  and  Alternative
                  Medicine.Pharmaceutical Press.                Assessment Methods:
               3.  Woodham,  A.  &  Peters,  D.  (2000).  Encyclopedia  of
                  Natural Healing. Dorling Kindersley Limited, London.   Continuous Assessment:        100%
                                                                Consisting of;
                                                                 Thesis                       70%
                                                                 Poster/Seminar presentation

               The course covers the properties of protein structures and    Medium of Instruction:
               their  classification.  It  describes  in  detail  protein   English or Bahasa Melayu

               classification   and   its   functions.   Introduction   to   Main References:
               bioinformatics as tool to protein analysis.It also covers the   According to specific research topics/projects.
               life cycle of proteins in the cell.

               Assessment Methods:                              SIK 3002    INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN BIOHEALTH
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     Students  will  be  placed  at  government  hospitals,  other
               Final Examination:    60%                        relevant government or private agencies of their choice or

               Medium of Instruction:                           which  have  accepted  them.  Students  will  be  exposed  to
               English                                          everyday  working  activities  as  instructed  by  their
                                                                supervisors at the place of work. At the end of the training,
                                                                each student and employer must each submit a report of
               Main References:                                 the  training  and  of  the  student’s  performance  during  the
               1.  Introduction  to  Protein  Structure.  Carl  Branden  and
                  John Tooze.Garland   Publishing Inc.          duration of the training.
               2.  Anatomy and Toxonomy of Protein Structure. Jane. S.     Assessment Methods:
                  Richardson. 1981.Adv. Prot. Chem. 34: 167-339   Continuous Assessment:        100%
                                                                Consisting of;

               SIK 2017    NUTRITION SCIENCE                     Industrial supervisor report   20%
                                                                 University supervisor report   20%
                                                                 Student report
               This course encompasses energy; dietary guidelines; food
               guide  pyramid;  food  safety;    physiology  of  the   Medium of Instruction:
               gastrointestinal  system  –  simple  anatomy,  digestion,
               absorption  and  excretion;  characteristics,  function,   English
               digestion,  metabolism,  toxicity,  deficiencies  of  major     Main References:
               nutrients  –  carbohydrate,  lipid,  protein,  water-soluble   As  prescribed  by  the  employer  and/or  Industrial  Training
               vitamins,  fat-soluble  vitamins,  minerals;  assessment  of   Coordinator.
               nutrient status.

               Assessment Methods:                              SIK 3003   ADVANCED RESEARCH SKILLS IN
                                                                                  BIOHEALTH SCIENCE
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     Techniques taught include pharmacology, phytochemistry,
               Final Examination:    60%                        embryology. Other techniques include protein precipitation,

               Medium of Instruction:                           genomic cloning, stem cell and molecular toxicology.
               English                                            Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   100%
               Main References:
               1.  Groff, JL and Gropper, S. (2000). Advanced Nutrition
                  and  Human  Metabolisme  (3rd  Ed).    Wadsworth   Medium of Instruction:
                  Thomson Learning.                             English
               2.  Gibney, MJ. (2002).  Introduction to Human Nutrition.      Main References:
                  Blackwell Science, Oxford.                    1. SIK 3003 Practical Manual
               3.  Gropper,  S  (2000).  The  Biochemistry  of  Human
                  Nutrition: A Desk Reference(2nd Ed).  Brooks Cole
               4.  Barasi,  ME  (2003).    Human  Nutrition:  A  Health   SIK 3004   HORMONE BIOLOGY

                  Perspective (2nd Ed).  Arnold, London.        Students  will  be  introduced  to  various  concepts  on  the
               5.  Mann, J. (2002)    Essentials of Human Nutrition (2nd   workings  of  the  endocrine  system.  Key  principles  of
                  Ed).  Oxford University Press, Oxford.
                                                                endocrine  physiology  and  biochemical  pathways  in
                                                                determining  its  functional  operation  and  controlling
                                                                mechanism  involved  in  hormone  action.  Metabolic
                                                                characteristic  of  organs  and  tissues,  metabolism  of
                                                                carbohydrate, fat and protein, diabetes mellitus and energy
                                                                balance and body weight regulation.

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