Page 64 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Assessment Methods:                              SIK 3007    SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION SKILLS
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%                        Part  1:  Introduction  to  fundamentals  of  communication  –
                                                                theories,  principles,  elements,  process,  styles,  types;
               Medium of Instruction:                           listening skills, barriers/errors of communication; effective
               English                                          communication.
                                                                Part 2: Communicating science to the scientific community
               Main References:                                 and  general  public;  exposure  to  various  communicating
               1.  Brook &  Marshall. (2001). Essential Endocrinology   media  ranging  from  scholarly  publications,  presentations
                  4th Edition, Blackwell Science Limited Publishing.   and to the new media; relevant skills in effective scientific
               2.  Devlin,  T.M.  (1997).  Texbook  of  Biochemistry  with   communication.
                  chinical correlations. Wiley Press.
               3.  Gardner,D.G & Shoback, D. (2017) Greenspan’s Basic   Assessment Methods:
                  & Clinical Endocrinology. McGraw-Hill Education 10th   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               4.  Holt,  R.I.  G.  &  Hanley,  N.A.  (2012).  Essential   Medium of Instruction:
                  endocrinology  and  diabetes,  6   Edition  Wiley-  English

                                                                Main References:
                                                                Selected research papers and other publications.
               SIK 3005    PHARMACOLOGY

               The  course  introduces  drugs,  the  basic  principles  of   SIK 3008    ANALYSIS OF DRUGS
               pharmacology,  interaction  of  drugs  with  receptors  and  to
               provide  student  sufficient  skill  to  be  able  to  evaluate  the   The  course  introduces  the  basic  principle  of  drug
               effect of drugs on human physiology especially in treatment   standardization and regulation to provide student sufficient
               of diseases.                                     skill to be able to evaluate the analysis drug in laboratory.
                                                                This course exposes the students to how a drug is analysed
               Assessment Methods:                              and how drug preparation is manufactured  and regulated.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%                        Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Medium of Instruction:                           Final Examination:    60%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Main References:                                 English
               1.  Rang, H. P. (2015). Pharmacology (8th Ed). Churchill
                  Livingstone                                   Main References:
                2.  Brenner, G. M. (2017). Pharmacology (5  Ed). Elsevier.   1.  Watson D. G (2016) Pharmaceutical analysis (4  Ed.)
                3.  Katzung B. G. (2018). Phamcology: Examination and   Elsevier.
                  Board Review (10  Ed.) Mc Graw Hill.          2.  Stromgaard  K.  (2016)  Textbook  of  Drug  Design  and
                                                                   Discovery (5th Ed.) CRC Press.
                                                                3.  Yvoone C.M (2019) Quantitative Drig Design : A Critical
               SIK 3006    NEUROBIOLOGY                            Introduction ( 2nd Ed.) CRC Press.

               General  introduction  to  the  nervous  system  from  cellular
               level (neuron) to functional systems.  Approach from basic   SIK 3009    BASIC HERBAL MEDICINE
               aspects  of  neurogenesis,  neurocytology,  neuroanatomy,
               neurochemistry,   neuro-physiology   and   comparative   The  course  consist  of  the  introduction  to  the  medicinal
               neurobiology.  The effects of damage / non-functionality of   plants  and  herbal  medicine,  history  of  medicinal  plants,
               specific parts of the nervous system. Laboratory works will   classification of medicinal plants, types and part of herbs
               involve study of nerve tissue histological slides, specimens   use  as  a  drugs,  medicinal  herbs  system,  drug  herbs
               and brain models.                                application, drug herbs preparation, chemical constituents
                                                                of  medicinal  plants,  herbal  medicine  formulation,
               Assessment Methods:                              development  of  herbal  drugs,  registration  of  herbal
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     medicine.
               Final Examination:    60%
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Medium of Instruction:                           Continuous Assessment:   40%
               English                                          Final Examination:    60%

                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Main References:                                 English
               1.   Bear  MF,  Connors  BW  &  Paradiso  MA.  (2015).
                   Neuroscience  :  Exploring  the  Brain.  (4th  Ed).    Main References:
                   Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.             1.  Wilson and Walker (2018) Principle and Techniques of
               2.   Kandel  ER,  Schwartz  JH  &  Jessel    TM  (2000)   Biochemistry  and  Molecular  Biology  (8th  Ed.)
                   Principles  of  Neural  Science.  (4th  Ed).  McGraw-Hill   Cambridge University Press.
                   Medical.                                     2.  Voet, Donald (2018).  Fundamentals of Biochemistry
               3.   Sheperd  GM (1994) Neurobiology. (3rd Ed). Oxford   Ed).  Wiley, New York.       th
                   University Press.                            3.   Nelson D. L (2015) Principles of Biochemistry (7  Ed.)
               4.   Kandel  ER  &  Schwartz  JH  (1993).  Prinsip  Sains
                   Neural - terjemahan. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

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