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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021
SIK 2010 MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY 3. Burgess et al. (2012). A Colour Atlas of Medical
Entomology. Springer.
Introduction. The biology, life-cycle, epidemiology, 4. Rivers et al. (2014). The Science of Forensic
symptoms treatment, epidemiological control and control of Entomology. Wiley-Blackwell.
selected parasitic diseases such as Amoebic dysentery,
Giardiasis, Toxoplasmosis, Malaria, Leishmaniasis,
Trypanosomiasis, Chagas, Taeniasis, Schistosomiasis,
Lymphatic Filariasis etc. SIK 2013 PHARMACOGNOSY
Assessment Methods: Introduction to pharmacognosy, crude drug, commerce in
Continuous Assessment: 40% drug, preparatition of drugs for commercial market,
Final Examination: 60% evaluation of drug and chromatographic study of drugs,
chemical classification of drugs, carbohydrates and related
Medium of Instruction: compounds, glycosides, tannins, lipids, volatile oils, resins
English and resin combinations, alkaloids and poisonous plants.
Main References: Assessment Methods:
1. Medical parasitology: a self-instructional text Continuous Assessment: 40%
(2004) Leventhal, Ruth./ F.A.Davis Co Final Examination: 60%
2. Medical Lab Manual for Tropical Countries Vol 1 &2
(2000) – Monica Cheeseborough / ELBS Medium of Instruction:
3. Human parasitology (2000) Bogistsh pub Elsevier English
4. Modern Parasitology (1992) - FEG Cox pub Blackwell
5. Parasitologi Perubatan (1988) – Vijaya Thomas DBP Main References:
6. Color atlas of tropical medicine and parasitology (1995) 1. Edward. P. Claus; Varro. E. Tyler and Lynn. R. (1970)
Peters, Wallace, 1924- / Morsby-wolfe Pharmacognosy 6 edition.
2. William Charles Evans (1996) Trease and Ebans’
Pharmacognosy 14 edition. Saunders.
SIK 2011 ETHNOBOTANY 3. Muhamad Zakaria and Mustafa Ali Mohd (1994)
Traditional Malay Medicinal Plants, Penerbit Fajar Bakti
Principles of ethnobotany; the different disciplines of Sdn Bhd.
ethnobotany; the roles of ethnobotany in modern society; 4. Christophe wiart (2000) Mecidinal Plants of southeast
plants and their origins; the role of taxonomy in Asia, Pelanduk Publications.
ethnobotany; medicinal plants from ethnobotany; 5. Malaysian Herbal Monograph (1999) Volume 1,
conservation and ethnobotany; evaluating economic values Published by the Malaysian Monograph committee.
of ethnobotany; use of ecology in ethnobotany.
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60% The course focuses on the reproductive structures &
functions; Menstrual cycles; Gametogenesis; Fertilization &
Medium of Instruction: Pregnancy; Fetal development; Parturition & Lactation;
English Endocrinology; Diseases & disorders; Sex determination &
differentiation; Family Planning, Principles & Practice. This
Main References: course will also cover recent technology in reproduction,
1. Hsu, Elisabeth. (2012). Plants, Health and Healing: on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and alternative
Interface of Ethnobotany and Medical Anthropology. treatments for infertility.
Berghahn Books, New York.
2. Young, K.J. and Hopkins, W.G. (2007). Ethnobotany Assessment Methods:
(electronic resource). Green World, Philadelphia. Continuous Assessment: 40%
3. Martin, G.J. (2004).. Ethnobotany A Methods Manual. Final Examination: 60%
Chapman & Hall, London.
Medium of Instruction:
Main References:
Arthropods as agents and vectors of human diseases. The 1. Biology (2012). Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reece.
vector-parasite relationships. Mechanical vectors and (9th Edition) Pearson Benjamin Cummings.
biological vectors. The biology, life-cycle, epidemiology of 2. Biology (2010). Solomon E.P, Berg L.R and Martin
diseases caused by mosquitoes, flies, ticks, bugs, lice, D.W. (9th Edition) Thomson Learning.
fleas, mites, cockroaches bedbugs ; vector control. 3. How the Body Works (2013). Peter Abrahams. Bright
Star Publishing.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Main References: Principles of complementary alternative medicine; the
1. Mullen et al. (2018). Medical and Veterinary diversity of complementary alternative medicine and
Entomology 3rd Edition. Academic Press. therapies; the roles of alternative medicine in modern
2. Mike Service (2012). Medical Entomology for Students. society; mind body medicine; naturopathic medicine;
Cambridge University Press. environmental medicine; diet and health; detoxification