Page 67 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Main References:                                 SIK 3022    TAXONOMY IN MEDICINAL PLANT
               1.  Porth,  C.  (2004).    Essentials  of  Pathphysiology.    RESEARCH
                  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
               2.  Gould,  BE  (2006).    Pathophysiology  for  Health   Principles  of  taxonomy;  the  different  disciplines  of
                  Professionals (3  Ed), Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia    taxonomy; the roles of taxonomy in modern society; plants
               3.  Crowley,  LV  (2004).    An  Introduction  to  Human   and their morphologies; the role of taxonomy in medicine;
                  Disease:  Pathology and Pathophysiology Corelations   medicinal plants from different families; conservation and
                  (6  Ed).  Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury   medicinal plants; evaluating economic values of medicinal
               4.  Nowak, TJ. (2004).  Pathophysiology:  Concepts and   plants.
                  Applications for Health Care Professionals.  McGraw-
                  Hill Higher Education, Boston                 Assessment:
               5.  Bullock,  BL  (2000).    Focus  on  Pathophysiology.    Continuous Assessment:   40%
                  Lippincott Williams &  Wilkins, Philadelphia   Final Examination:    60%

                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               SIK 3020  DISEASES OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS        English
                                                                Main References:
               Discussion on diseases affecting the brain and the spinal   1.  Mukherjee, P.K. & Houghton, P.J. (2009). Evaluation of
               cord.   The  effects  on  the  function  of the central  nervous   Herbal  Medicinal  Products:  Perspectives  on  Quality,
               system.  Neurobiological basis for the diseases.    Safety, and Efficacy. Pharmaceutical Press. London.
                                                                2.  Samy,  J.  et  al.,  (2009).  Herbs  of  Malaysia.  Marshall
               Assessment Methods:                                 Cavendish (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     3.  Simpson,   M.G.   (2006).   Plant   Systematics.
               Final Examination:    60%                           Elsevier/Academic Press, Amsterdam.
                                                                4.  Osbourn, A. E. (2009). Plant-derived Natural Products
               Medium of Instruction:                              (electronic  resource):  Synthesis,  Function,  and
               English                                             Application. Springer US.
                                                                5.  Malaysian  Herbal  Monograph.  Volume  1.  (1999).
               Main References:                                    Malaysian Monograph Committee. Kuala Lumpur.
               1.   Kandel  ER,  Schwartz  JH  &  Jessel  TM  (2000)
                   Principles  of  Neural  Science  (4th  Ed).  McGraw-Hill
                   Medical.                                     SIK 3023    BIOASSAY TECHNIQUES
               2.   Kandel  ER  &  Schwartz  JH  (1993).  Prinsip  Sains
                   Neural - terjemahan.. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka    This  practical  course  includes  introduction  to  bioassay
               3.   Donaghy M (2001). Brain’s Diseases of the Nervous   techniques,  phytochemical  screening  of  phytochemical
                   System. (11th Ed). Oxford University Press   compounds  for  BSLA  test,  total  phenol  and  flavonoids,
               4.   Asbury  AK,  McKhann  GM  &  McDonald  WI  (2002).   antioxidant DPPH, FRAP and metal chelating, isolation of
                   Diseases   of   the   Nervous   System:   Clinical   soil  microbes,  antifungus  activity  of  soil  bacteria,  cell
                   Neuroscience  &  Therapeutic  Principles.  (3rd  Ed).   biology  assays  with  fluorescence  microscopy,  NRU
                   Cambridge University Press                   cytotoxicity assay, GST activity and stem cell.
               5.   Mathias CJ & Bannister R (2002).  Autonomic Failure.
                   A  Textbook  of  Clinical  Disorders  of  the  Autonomic   Assessment Methods:
                   Nervous System. (4th Ed). Oxford University Press.   Continuous Assessment:   100%

                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               SIK 3021    BASIC FORENSIC SCIENCE               English

               This course will introduce students to basic forensic science   Main References:
               and    crime  scene  investigation.  Focus  will  be  on  the   1.  J.B.  Harborne,  Phytochemical  Methods,  (1973),  A
               biological aspects of forensic evidence including hair, blood   Guide  to  Modern  Techniques  of  Plants  Analysis.
               and other body fluids. Basic trace evidence , fingerprint and   Chapmen & Hall, Lon.
               blood  spatter  analysis  .Practicals  will  cover  techniques   2.  Lars Bohlin and Jan G. Bruhn (1999) Bioassay Method
               used to collect and analyze evidence found at a simulated   in Natural Product Research and Drug Development.
               scene of a crime.                                   Kluwer Academic Publishers.
                                                                3.  Atta-ur  Rahman,  M.  Iqbal  Choudhary  and  W.  J.
               Assessment Methods:                                 Thomsen  (2001)        Bioassay  Techniques  For  Drug
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                        Development. Harwood Academic   Publishers
               Final Examination:    50%                        4.  John F. Robyt and Bernard J. White (1987) Biochemical
                                                                   Techniques  Theory  and  Practise,  Brooks/Cole
               Medium of Instruction:                              Publishing  Company.
               English                                          5.  Trevor  Palmer  (1985)  Understanding  Enzymes,
                                                                   Second edition, Ellis Horwood Publishers.
               Main References:                                 6.  Z.  Govindarajulu  (2001)  Statistical  techniques  in
               1.  Richard Saferstein, Criminalistics : Introduction to   bioassay, Basel New York, Karger.
                  Forensic Science, (Ed 9) Pearsons
               2.  James SH,Kish PE & Sutton TP, 2005 Principles of
                  Blood Stain Pattern Analysis: theory & practice. Boca   SIK 3024    CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOHEALTH
                  Raton CRC                                                        SCIENCE
               3.  Stuart James& Jon Nordby ; Forensic Science: An   This  course  introduces  current  key  works,  scientists,
                  Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques   current research and/or technologies and issues related to
                  CRC press                                     topic/project.
               4.  Forensic entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal
                  investigations (2001) - Byrd, Jason H./CRC Press   Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   100%

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