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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021
2. Christopher K Mathews, Kensal E van Holde, Dean R Assessment Methods:
Appling (2012). Biochemistry (4 edition). Pearson Continuous Assessment: 40%
Education. Final Examination: 60%
3. Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet (2011).Biochemistry (4
edition) .New York: John Wiley. Medium of Instruction:
4. Reginald H. Garrett and Charles M. Grisham (2013). English
Biochemistry (5th edition). Brooks/Cole, Cengage
Learning. Main References:
1. Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., Stryer, L. & Gatto, Jr., G.J.
SIJ 2004 METABOLISM AND REGULATION OF AMINO (2012) Biochemistry, 7 ed., W.H. Freeman: New York
ACIDS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS 2. Voet D. & Voet J.G. (2011) Biochemistry, 4 ed., John
Wiley: New York
The objectives and content of the course are designed to 3. Mathews C.K., van Holde K.E., Appling, D.R. &
provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Anthony-Cahill, S.J. (2013) Biochemistry, 4 ed.,
the metabolic pathways involving the amino acids and Pearson: Ontario
nucleotides; and the manner by which metabolism is 4. Nelson, D.L. & Cox M.M. (2013) Lehninger Principles
regulated. This course stresses both the normal metabolic of Biochemistry, 6 ed., W.H. Freeman: New York
function, and why disease states occur if normal metabolic 5. Tayyab S. & Boyce A.N. (2006) A Journey from Amino
processes are disrupted. Acids to Proteins, University Malaya Press: Kuala
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40% SIJ 2007 ENZYMES: MECHANISM AND CONTROL
Final Examination: 60%
Enzymes as catalysts - Activation energy and biocatalysis;
Medium of Instruction: Enzyme specificity; Enzyme kinetics - Effect of enzyme
English concentration, substrate concentration, pH and
temperature on reaction velocity; Michaelis-Menten
Main References: equation and linear transformations; Enzyme inhibitions -
1. Nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M., W.H. (2013) Lehninger: Competitive, Noncompetitive, Uncompetitive and
Principles of Biochemistry 6th ed., Freeman and Irreversible inhibitions; Active site mapping and
Company (New York). intermediate detection; Enzyme mechanisms with special
2. Cram101 Textbook Reviews. (2014) E-study guide : reference to lysozyme and chymotrypsin; Enzyme
Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations. regulation - Zymogen activation, Covalent modification,
Cram101 Publishing Physiological control and Allosteric regulation; Bi-substrate
3. Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham (2016). reactions; Catalytic antibodies; Ribozymes
Biochemistry 6 Edition. Cengage Learning
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment : 40%
SIJ 2005 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Final Examination : 60%
This course explains the biosynthesis of Nucleic Acid, DNA Medium of Instruction:
and RNA. Replication process, trancription and translation English
are also explained in detail. This course also covers
mutation and how the cells carry out DNA repair; various Main References:
genetic process such gene recombination anf transposition; 1. Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., Stryer, L. & Gatto, Jr., G.J.
chromosamal inheritance versus ectrachromosamal (2012) Biochemistry, 7 ed., W.H. Freeman: New York
inheritance. 2. Voet D. & Voet J.G. (2011) Biochemistry, 4 ed., John
Wiley: New York
Assessment Methods: 3. Mathews C.K., van Holde K.E., Appling, D.R. &
Continuous Assessment: 40% Anthony-Cahill, S.J. (2013) Biochemistry, 4 ed.,
Final Examination: 60% Pearson: Ontario
4. Price N.C. & Stevens, L. (1999) Fundamentals of
Medium of Instruction: Enzymology, 3 ed. Oxford University Press
Main References:
1. Snustad. (2017) Principles of genetics. 7 Edition This practical course introduces the students with
John Wiley fundamental techniques in the field of biochemistry. Apart
2. Devlin. (2013) Textbook of biochemistry. John Wiley from that the students also will learn the methods of
3. Stryer. (2015) Biochemistry. 8 Edition Freeman scientific calculation and report writing. Among the
4. Watson. (2012) Molecular biology of the gene. biochemical techniques the students will learn are
Pearson/Benjamin Cummings fundamental practice in buffer solution preparation,
5. Lewin. (2018) Genes XII. Jones & Bartlett. spectrophotometer usage in biochemical experiments,
isolation and purification of biomolecules and enzyme
Levels of protein structures - Primary structure, its Assessment Methods:
importance and its determination; Secondary structures Continuous Assessment: 100%
and their prediction; Super- secondary structures; Tertiary
structure and forces involved in its stabilization; Quaternary Medium of Instruction:
structure; Protein folding and denaturation; Protein English
engineering; Protein purification and characterization.