Page 88 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Assessment Methods:                              Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:    60%                    Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:      40%                      Final Examination:   60%

               Medium of Instruction:                           Medium of Instruction:
                                                                Main References:
               Main References:                                 1.  Swanson  CP,  Merz  T  &  Young  WJ.  (1981).
               1.   Wall DH, Bardgett RD, Herrick JE, et al. (2013). Soil   Cytogenetics,   TheChromosome   in   Division,
                   Ecology and Ecosystem Services. Oxford University   Inheritance, and Evolution. Prentice-Hall International.
                   Press.                                       2.  Miller, OJ & Therman E. (2001). Human  Chromosome
               2.   Whalen JK and Sampedro L. (2010). Soil Ecology and   (4th edition). Springer.
                   Management. CABI Publishing. USA.            3.  Klug  WS,  Cummings  MR  &  Spancer  CA.  (2012).
               3.   Osman KT. (2012). Soils: Principles, Properties and   Essential of Genetics (8th edition). Pearson Education
                   Management. Springer, Science & Business Media.   Inc.

                                                                SIL 2003  MICROBIAL GENETICS
                               PROGRAMME                        This introductory course on the genetics of fungi, bacteria,
                                                                and  bacterial  viruses  will  cover  theory  and  techniques
                                                                related to the study of microbial genetics. Fungal Genetics:
               Career Prospects                                 Life  cycle  of  Fungi;  Genetic  crosses;  ordered  tetrad
               We  have  received  feedback  from  industrial  training   analysis,  unordered  tetrad  analysis,  random  ascospores;
               supervisors  of  students  (public  or  private  sectors)  that   sexual and parasexual cycle; Formation of Heterokaryon,
               graduates from this programme are much needed for the   mitotic  recombination;  Haploidization.  Bacterial  Genetics:
               nation’s development. There are graduates who have been   Organization  of  bacterial  genomes;  Recombination  in
               accepted to further their studies at Master‘s and PhD levels.   bacteria;  Transformation,  Conjugation,  General  and
               In  addition,  many  of  our  graduates  eventually  became   specialised  transduction;  Mapping  of  Bacterial  genomes.
               academic staff  in  public  and  private  institutions  of  higher   Bacteriophage  Genetics:  Life  cycle  of  temperate  and
               learning.                                        virulent  phages;  lysogeny  and  genetic  regulation  of  life
                                                                cycle;  One  step  growth  experiments;  single  burst
                        PROCESSES                               Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               This course will provide a foundation in microbial processes   Final Examination:   60%
               with emphasis on the biochemistry and physiology related
               to  the  use  of  microorganisms  in  genetic  studies  and   Medium of Instruction:
               industry. Topics will include the importance of microbiology,   English
               introduction  to  sterility  and  the  handling  of  microbes,
               microbial cell structure, differences between    Main References:
               microorganisms,  growth,  nutrition,  metabolism  and   1.  Fincham J.R.S., Day P.R., Radford A. (1979). Fungal
               molecular genetics of microbes. Microbial ecology, medical   Genetics   (4th   edition).   Blackwell      Scientific
               importance  and    use  of  microbes  in  industry  and   Publications. QH431 FIN V.4
               biotechnology will also be discussed.            2.  Moore D., Novak Frazer LA., (2002). Essential Fungal
                                                                   Genetics. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. QK602 MOO
               Assessment Methods:                                 2002
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    3.  Snustad   and   Simmons   (2011)   Principles   of
               Final Examination:      60%                         Genetics,6th Edition,  Wiley ISBN 0470903597

               Medium of Instruction:

                                                                SIL 2004     BIOINFORMATICS AND PHYLOGENETICS
               Main References:
               1. Madigan, M.T. Martino, J.M.(2009). Brock Biology of   This  course  will  give  an  overview  of  bioinformatics  and
                 Microorganisms.(12th edition) Prentice Hall Publication.   phylogenetics analysis with an emphasis on specific tools
               2. Tortora, G.J.Funke, B.R. and Case, C.L. Microbiology.   for solving specific problems, focusing on the asumptions
                 (2001) (6th edition) Benjamin Cummings Publishers   that  underpin  these  approaches  and  how  to  analyse  the
               3.  Black,  J.G.  Microbiology  Principles  and  Exploration   resulting  data.  It  will  specifically  focus  on  practical
                 (2002) (5th Edition),John Wiley & Sons Inc.    bioinformatics  in  particular  for  current  research,  and
                                                                technology developments in molecular biology.

               SIL 2002  CYTOGENETICS                           Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               This  course  focuses  on  behaviour  of  chromosomes  in   Final Examination:   60%
               mitosis  and  meiosis,  correlation  between  meiosis  and
               Mendelian   laws,   aberrant   meiosis,   chromosome   Medium of Instruction:
               organisation,  chromosome  structure  and  morphology,   English
               methods  for  chromosome  study,  karyotype  analysis  and
               nomenclature,   specialized   chromosomes   and
               chromosomes aberrations.

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