Page 94 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Assessment Methods:                              Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                                Final Examination:   60%
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Medium of Instruction:
               Main References:
               1.   Brock Biology of Microorganisms (14th ed): Ed.   Main References:
                   Madigan, Martinko & Parker, Publisher Prentice Hall.   1.   Brock Biology of Microorganisms (14th ed): Ed.
                   (2014)                                           Madigan, Martinko & Parker, Publisher Prentice Hall.
               2.   Lodish et al Molecular Cell Biology (7th edition) 2012   (2014)
                   Freeman                                      2.   Microbiology: An Introduction (11th ed):Tortora GJ
               3.   Microbiology: An Introduction (11th ed):Tortora GJ   (2012).
                   (2012)                                       3.   Todar’s Online Textbook of Bacteriology
               SIR 2003    FOOD MICROBIOLOGY
                                                                SIR 2006    BACTERIOLOGY II
               Understanding  the  history  of  microorganisms  in  food,
               intrinsic  and  extrinsic  parameters  that  affect  microbial   Introduction  to  principles  of  bacterial  taxonomy  including
               growth,  food  spoilage.  Food  intoxication,  food  infection,   classical  systematic  and  phylogenetics.  Introduction  to
               food  toxicoinfection.  Microbiology  of  fermented  food.   isolation,  purification,  identification  and  classification  of
               Characteristics of major foodborne pathogens. Methods in   main Archaea and Gram positive bacteria. Role and impact
               detecting  microorganisms  in  using  conventional  and   of Gram positive bacteria to life and environment.
               molecular approaches.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:                              Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Final Examination:   60%
               Final Examination:   50%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:                           English
                                                                Main References:
               Main References:                                  1.   Brock  Biology  of  Microorganisms  by  Madigan,
                1.   Brock  Biology  of  Microorganisms  (14th  ed):  Ed.   Martinko & Parker (2014) Prentice Hall.
                    Madigan, Martinko & Parker, Publisher Prentice Hall.   2.   Prescott’s  Microbiology  by  Willey,  Sherwood  &
                    (2014)                                          Woolverton (2014) McGraw-Hill.
                2.   Fundamental Food Microbiology. Bibek, R. and Arun   3.   Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (2012)
                    B. (Eds.). CRC Press (2013).                    Springer.
                3.   Journal of Food Microbiology
                                                                SIR 2007    VIROLOGY

               SIR 2004    GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY                 Structure  and  Composition  of  Viruses:  Building  of  viral
                                                                capsid  structures,  the  types  of  viral  capsids  and
               Introduction  to  Microbiology,  concepts  and  basic   nucleocapsids, virus envelope, the types of viral proteins
               techniques  of  microbiology,  evolution,  structure  and   and nucleic acids.
               function of the parts of prokaryotic, diversity and importance   Virus  replication:  virus  entry  into  cells,  Baltimore
               of microorganisms  including  archaea,  bacteria,  fungi  and   classification, viral genome expression (RNA transcription
               viruses.                                         and  protein  translation)  based  on  Baltimore  groups,  viral
                                                                genome replication, assembly of viral components to form
               Assessment Methods:                              new viruses.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     Practical: Primary, secondary, and continuous cell culture,
               Final Examination:   60%                         viral infection of cell culture, observing the effects of viral
                                                                infection on cells, plaque assays for viral titration, observing
               Medium of Instruction:                           the different plaques formed by a variety of viral infection of
               English                                          various cell lines.

               Main References:                                 Assessment Methods:
                1.   Talaro,  K.  P.  Foundations  in  Microbiology:  Basic   Continuous Assessment:   40%
                    Principles, 9  ed, 2014, McGraw-Hill.       Final Examination:   60%
                2.   Ted  R.  Jphnson  &  Christine  L.  Case.  Laboratory
                    Experiments  in  Microbiology,  CourseSmart  e   Medium of Instruction:
                    Textbook, 10/E, 2013, Benjamin Cummings.    English
                3.   Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M., Bender K.S., Buckely
                    D.H.,  Stahl  D.A.  &  Brock  T.  Brock  Biology  of   Main References:
                    Microorganisms, 14  ed, 2014, Benjamin Cummings.   1.   Cann, A.J. Principles of Molecular Virology. Fifth
                                                                    Edition (2011). ISBN-13: 978-012384397.
                                                                 2.   ViralZone: a knowledge resource to understand
               SIR 2005    BACTERIOLOGY I                           virus diversity. Hulo C, de Castro E, Masson P,
                                                                    Bougueleret L, Bairoch A, Xenarios I, Le Mercier P.
               Introduction  to  isolation,  purification,  enumeration,   Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan;39(Database
               identification  and  classification  of  main  Gram  negative   issue):D576-82.
               bacteria.  Growth  aspects  and  the  control  of  bacterial   3.   Greenwood, D., Slack, R.C.B., Barer, M.R., Irving,
               growth. Role and impact of Gram negative bacteria in daily   W.L. Medical Microbiology. 18th Edition (2012).
               life.                                                ISBN: 9780702040894

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