Page 119 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                              BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED GEOLOGY
                                                    ACADEMIC SESSION 2021/2022
                                                          (134 CREDITS)
                COURSE CODE                                COURSE NAME                                CREDIT
                 GIG1012 /       Philosophy and Current Issues (local students) /                        2
                 GLT1017*        Basic Malay Language (*only for international students)
                 GIG1013         Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations                                2
                 GIG1003         Basic Entrepreneurship Enculturation                                    2
                 GKA/GKI/GKK/    Co-Curriculum                                                           4
                 GLTxxxx         English Course (subject to MUET bands)                                  4
                CORE COURSES (80 CREDITS)
                COURSE CODE                     COURSE NAME                       PRE-REQUISITE       CREDIT
                LEVEL 1 (22 CREDITS)
                SIX1015         Science, Technology and Society                                          2
                SIX1016         Statistics                                                               3
                SIC1006         Computer Programming for Science                                         3
                SII1001         Introduction to the Earth                                                2
                SII1002         Earth Surface Processes                                                  2
                SII1003         Structures and Geological Maps                                           3
                SII1004         Mineralogy                                                               3
                SII1005         Basic Geological Field Methods                                           2
                SII1006         Safety and Geological Code of Practice                                   2
                LEVEL 2 (36 CREDITS)
                COURSE CODE                        COURSE                         PRE-REQUISITE       CREDIT
                SII2002         Applied Geology Field Course                 SII1005                     8
                SII2003         Structural Geology                           SII1003                     3
                SII2004         Sedimentology                                SIG1002                     4
                SII2005         Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology            SII1004                     3
                SII2006         Paleontology                                 SII1001, SII1002            3
                SII2007         Introduction to Geophysics                     SII1001, SII1002          3
                SII2008         Geology and Society                            SII1002, SII1002          3
                SII2009         Geochemistry                                   SII1001, SII1004          3
                SII2010         GIS Applications in Geosciences                SII1003                   3
                SII2011         Geological Laboratory Analysis Method          SII1004                   3
                LEVEL 3 (22 CREDITS)
                COURSE CODE                        COURSE                     PRE-REQUISITE           CREDIT
                SII3009         Mineral Resources                            SII1004                     3
                SII3010         Geological Research Project                  SIG2002, SII2011            8
                SII3011         Geology of Malaysia                          SII1001                     3
                SII3012         Industrial Attachment                        SII2002, SII2011            8
                ELECTIVE COURSES (40 CREDITS)
                  COURSE CODE                      COURSE                               PRE-REQUISITE  CREDIT
                SII2012         Geological Data Analysis                     SIX1016                     3
                SII2013         Marine Geology                                 SII1002                   2
                SII2014         Landscape and Karst Conservation             SII1002                     2
                SII2015         Climate Change and Adaptation                SII1002                     3
                 SII2016        Engineering Geology                          SII1003                     3
                SII2017         Groundwater Resources                        SII1002                     3
                SII2018         Environmental Geology                        SII1001                     3
                SII3013         Advanced Geophysics                          SII2007                     3
                SII3006         Geohazard                                    SII1001                     3
                SII3015         Quaternary Geology                           SII1002                     3
                 SII3016         Stratigraphic Methods                       SII2004                     3
                 SII3017         South East Asia Geology                     SII1001                     2
                 SII3018         Petroleum Geology                           SII2004                     4
                 SII3019         Organic Petrology                           SII2004                     3

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