Page 114 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Industrial technologies related to chemical process of
SIC3043 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND adsorption, extraction, purification and distillation.
Type of chemical processes: batch/continuous, steady/
Trace Analysis unsteady state, simple/multiple reactions. Process
Introduction, techniques and limitations, considerations in characteristics include yield, selectivity, desired/undesired
implementation of trace analysis products.
Sample preparation for inorganic and organic Assessment Weightage:
compounds Continuous assessment: 40%
Steps in total analysis, dry, wet and microwave sample Final examination: 60%
digestion, selected solid phase extraction and liquid phase
extraction technique. References:
1. A. Jess & P. Wassercheid.: Chemical Technology: An
Spectrometry Integral Textbook. Wiley-VCH: Germany, 2013
Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS): atomization 2. R.C. Valencia. The Future of the Chemical Industry by
techniques such as flame atomization, electrothermal 2050. Imperial College Press, 2013
(graphite furnace) atomization, hydride generation 3. A. Heaton. The Chemical Industry.3rd edition.
technique, glow discharge atomization, cold vapour Springer, 2012
Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES): flame, arc-spark and
atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS): principle,
instrumentation, excitation sources, advantages, Part A:
limitations. Introduction to Polymer
Polymerization processes and mechanism (stepwise &
Separation Methods addition polymerization).
Advanced aspects on theory and process of separation in
GC and HPLC, van Deemter equation, general resolution Copolymers: Structures and properties of copolymers.
equation and HETP, types and selection of stationary Monomer reactivity ratios.
phases in GC, capillary GC, reversed phase HPLC, effects
of mobile phases in HPLC separations, instrumentation in Plastic Crisis: Earth is Choking
GC and HPLC, detectors in GC and HPLC, hyphenated Discussion about current plastic crisis faced around the
techniques: GC-MS and LC-MS. Basic principles of globe, including ongoing efforts to address the issue, as
capillary eletrophoresis. well as challenges.
Instrumentation techniques for characterization Green polymers: Reducing impact to the environment
Introduction to current characterization techniques and
detailed discussion in the instrumental techniques: X-ray Part B:
diffractometry, Infrared, Raman, UV-vis, and multinuclear Polymers and Industries
magnetic resonance - phosphorus spectroscopy, elemental Discussion on the application of polymers in two different
analysis and magnetic susceptibility industries:
Assessment Weightage: (i) Latex and Rubber Industry
Continuous assessment: 50% Introduction to types of lattices and compositions, as well
Final examination: 50% as SMR grades and vulcanization.
Properties of rubber and latex: Theory and measurement
References Applications and recent developments
1. G. D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 7th Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, 2008 (ii) Miscellaneous Industry (based on relevance and
2. A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J. Holler & S.R. Crouch, importance).
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Ed., Introduction to the types of polymers involved in the
Brooks/Cole Publ, 2014. industry.
3. Harris, D.C. (2015) Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9th Properties of the polymers involved and related tests and
Edition characterizations techniques.
Assessment Weightage:
SIC3044 INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY Continuous assessment: 50%
Final examination: 50%
Historical overview of chemical industries. Introduction of
Industrial Revolution 4.0 in chemical industries. References:
1. Young, R. J. and Lovell, P. A. (2011), Introduction to
Challenges on the synthesis of chemicals that are Polymers, 3rd Ed. Taylor & Francis Group.
beneficial, profitable and responsible for the safety, health 2. Koltzenburg, S., Maskos, M. and Nuyken, O. (2017)
and environment. Research and development from Polymer Chemistry, Springer.
laboratory scale to commercial scale on the production of 3. Rodriguez, F., Cohen, C., Ober, C.K. and Archer, L.
selected chemicals. Economic aspect, fixed cost, variable (2015) Principles of Polymer System, 6th Ed, CRC
cost, revenue, management and patent right. Forecasting Press.
the profitability for pioneering industries on the production 4. Gijsbertus. d.W. (2018) Polymer Coatings: A Guide to
of selected chemicals through interpretation of break-even Chemistry, Characterization, and Selected
chart. Applications, Wiley-VCH
5. Kohjiya, S. and Ikeda, Y. (2014) Chemistry,
Definition of industrial chemistry covering raw materials: Oil Manufacture and Applications of Natural Rubber,
crops, coal, petroleum, natural gas, rubber, wood, metal. Elsevier.