Page 112 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
SIC3035 Mechanistic Organic Chemistry
Reactive intermediates in organic chemistry including
carbocations, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, and radical- Identify the use of metals in biological processes,
ions. Chemistry of free radicals: reactions and mechanisms therapeutic and diagnostic agents; cancer (definition,
of free radicals including abstraction, addition, drugs, mechanism of action); diabetes mellitus (definition,
rearrangement, cyclization and fragmentation; applications drugs, mechanism of action); preparation of metal
of radical reactions in organic synthesis; reactions of complexes for medicinal purpose; structure and activity
carbenes, carbenoids, nitrenes, and ion-radicals, and relationship and other biological applications of metal
applications in synthesis. Formation, stability, and complexes.
rearrangements of carbocations; tandem and cascade
cyclizations. Mechanistic details of selected classes of Assessment Weightage:
organic reactions such as nucleophilic substitution, Continuous assessment: 40%
hydrolysis, polar rearrangements, electron-transfer Final examination: 60%
reactions, photochemical reactions.
Pericyclic reactions: molecular orbitals; conservation of 1. E. Housecroft & A. G. Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry, 5th
orbital symmetry in concerted reactions; theory (frontier Ed, 2018.
orbital method, use of correlation diagrams, aromatic 2. R. R. Crichton, Biological Inorganic Chemistry: A New
transition state approach) and applications of electrocyclic Introduction to Molecular Structure and Function, 3rd
reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements, and cycloadditions, Ed, 2018.
including tandem and cascade processes, in organic 3. J. C. Dabrowiak, Metals in Medicine, 2nd Ed, 2017.
synthesis. 4. W. Kaim, B. Schwederski & A. Klein. Bioinorganic
Chemistry - Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life:
Assessment Weightage: An Introduction and Guide, 2nd Ed, 2013.
Continuous assessment: 40% 5. Coordination Chemistry Reviews Journal
Final examination: 60% 6. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
7. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
1. Richard B. Woodward and Roald Hoffmann, 2014
(reprint), The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry, SIC3038 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Academic Press Inc.
2. Ian Fleming, (2009), Molecular Orbitals and Organic Development in nuclear chemistry: Nuclei and isotopes,
Chemical Reactions, Wiley. nuclear mass and nuclear stability, nuclear structures and
3. S. Sankararaman, 2005, Pericyclic Reactions - A nuclear models, radioactive decay, natural radioactive
Textbook: Reactions, Applications and Theory, Wiley- elements, radiation absorption, latest breakthrough in
VCH nuclear chemistry.
4. Sunil Kumar, Vinod Kumar, S.P. Singh, (2015),
Pericyclic Reactions - A Mechanistic and Problem- Nuclear reactions: fission and fusion, interactions of
Solving Approach, Elsevier. radiation with matters, effects of radiation on matters,
5. Thomas H. Lowry and Kathleen Schueller Richardson, danger of radiation, dosimetry, detection and measurement
1997, Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry, of radiation, production application of radioisotopes, effects
3rd Ed., Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company. of nuclear to environment.
6. Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren,
(2012), Organic Chemistry 2nd ed., Oxford University Application: radioisotopes, nuclear reactor and radiology
Assessment Weightage:
Continuous assessment: 40%
SIC3036 PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Final examination: 60%
Application of physical organic concepts in the References:
determination of organic reaction mechanisms; kinetics and 1. Loveland, W. D., Morrissey, D. J. and Seaborg, G. T.
thermodynamics; stereochemistry & conformational Modern Nuclear Chemistry. 2nd Edition. John Wiley
analysis; solvent effects; non-kinetic and kinetic isotope and Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2017
effects; sonochemistry; organic surface reactions. 2. Attrep, Moses. Radioanalytical Chemistry Experiments
Approximation, catalysis in molecules: covalent, general [electronic resource] Springer Science+Business
acid-base and pseudophase. Media, LLC, 2010
3. Choppin, G., Rydberg, J. and Lijenzin, J. O.
Assessment Weightage: Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry. 4th Edition,
Continuous assessment: 40% Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013
Final examination: 60%
1. Micellar catalysis, M. Niyaz Khan,CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group, (2006). Part A: Structure of Materials
2. Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology, William P. Introduction to different categories of materials.
Jencks, McGraw-Hill, New York (1969). Structure of crystalline solids (cubic and hexagonal crystal
3. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms system).
and Structure, Jerry March, McGraw-Hill, 4th Ed. Imperfection in crystalline solids (various types of defects in
(1992). crystalline structure of solids) and atomic diffusion that
4. Structural Effects on Equilibria in Organic Chemistry, occurs in solid material during heat treatment.
Jack Hine, Wiley, (1975). Phase diagram of binary alloy (eutectic and isomorphous
5. Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry, C. systems).
Reichardt, VCH, New York, (1988). Structure, application and processing of ceramics.