Page 108 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Separation Methods patterns; allylic and long-range coupling; techniques for
Introduction to the theory and process of separation in GC improving the NMR spectrum: use of shift reagents. C
and HPLC, ion exchange chromatography, solvent NMR spectrum – e.g., completely-coupled, completely-
extraction, partition coefficient, multiple extraction, decoupled; off-resonance-decoupled; APT and DEPT
efficiency. spectra; carbon chemical shifts and functional groups.
Electroanalytical Chemistry Mass spectrometry: EIMS – molecular ions, isotope peaks,
Quantitative analysis – standard addition technique and fragmentation ions and patterns. HREIMS and
internal standard technique; Potentiometry – indicator and determination of molecular formula of organic compounds.
reference electrode, pH glass electrode, ion selective Application of combined techniques in organic structure
electrodes. determination.
Assessment Weightage: Assessment Weightage:
Practical: 30% Continuous assessment: 40%
Continuous assessment: 20% Final examination: 60%
Final examination: 50%
References: 1. R. M. Silverstein, F. X. Webster, D. J. Kiemle,
1.D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F.J. Holler & S.R Crouch, Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds, 7
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9 ed., Cengage, ed., John Wiley, 2005.
Brooks/ Cole, 2014. 2. Kamaliah Mahmood dan Noorsaadah Abd Rahman,
2.D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9 ed., WH Kaedah Kimia dalam pengenalpastian Sebatian Organik,
Freeman, 2015. Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 1998.
3.D.A. Skoog, F.J. Holler & S.R. Crouch (2017) Principles 3. P. Crews, J. Rodriguez, M. Jaspars, Organic structure
of instrumental Analysis, 7 ed, Cengage Learning. analysis, 2 ed., Oxford University Press, New York,
4. D. Williams, I. Flemming, Spectroscopic methods in
SIC2023 MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY organic chemistry, 6 ed., McGraw-Hill, 2007.
5. D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kritz, J. A. Vyvyan,
Basic Spectroscopy. Vibrational, Rotational, Electronic Introduction to spectroscopy, 4 ed., Cengage, 2009.
and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
Components in a spectrophotometer, experimental setup of SIC2025 CHEMISTRY AND SOCIETY
Fourier Transform. Rotational, vibrational and rotational-
vibrational spectroscopy. Introduction of Raman effect. This course exposes students to community services and
Electronic spectroscopy of atoms and molecules; electronic volunteerism with the knowledge of chemistry to assist the
term symbols for atoms and molecules. Introduction of community in solving current issues.
photoelectron spectroscopy. Basics of diatomic and
polyatomic molecular electronic spectroscopy. Magnetic Students need to plan and implement programs in groups,
nuclei in an external magnetic field. FT NMR experiments. as well as group reports and presentations based on
Boltzman distribution and population of energy levels. experiences with the communities.
Relaxation processes and width of spectral lines. High
resolution NMR spectra: chemical shift and spin-spin Assessment Weightage:
coupling. First-order and second-order spectrum. Continuous assessment: 100%
Exchange processes. Double resonance experiments. Final examination: -
NMR spectra of solids.
Assessment Weightage: 1. Lina D. Dostilio, 2017. The Community Engagement
Continuous assessment: 40% Professional in Higher
Final examination: 60% 2. Education: A Competency Model for an Emerging
Field, Campus Compact.
References: 3. Julia Preece 2017. University Community
1. C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals of Molecular Engagement and Lifelong
Spectroscopy, McGraw Hill, 1994. 4. Learning: The Porous University, Springer.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. D. Paula, Physical Chemistry, 11 ed., Benneworth,Paul.editor. 2013. University Engagement
Oxford University Press, 2018. With Socially Excluded Communities, Dordrecht :
3. P. J. Hore, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Oxford Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer.
University Press, 1995. A. Hoy, M. Johnson, 2013. Deepening Community
4. M. Diem, Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy, John Wiley, Engagement in Higher Education: Forging New
1993. Pathways, Springer.
Organometallic Chemistry:
IR spectroscopy: Characteristic functional group Historical background, classification/bonding types of
absorptions in organic molecules. organometallics compounds of transition elements, main
group organometallics & lanthanides, 18-electron rules,
UV spectroscopy: electronic transitions and common ligands in organometallics (carbonyl, hydride, alkyl/alkene,
chromophores in organic compounds; Beer-Lambert Law carbene, carbyne, metallocene & fullerene) organometallic
and Woodward-Fieser Rules. Correlation between optical reactions.
spectra and MO theory.
NMR spectroscopy: H-NMR – chemical shift: inductive and Metal chemistry:
anisotropic effects; Spin-spin coupling: geminal and vicinal Occurrence, methods of extraction, chemical reactions and
coupling, Karplus equation; examples of H- H splitting applications of metals, chemistry of block d and f metals.