Page 104 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
P. 104
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF), Electroanalytical
System and Gel Imager. TOC analyser, densitometer, Gas
colour spectrometer, light scattering GPC, Ideal gases (states of gases, gas laws, ideal gas law, gas
thermoconductivity meter, particle size analyser, FESEM. stoichiometry, Dalton’s law of partial pressures, kinetic
molecular theory of gases, mean free path and collision
diameter), molecular speed distribution, Boltzmann
distribution law, effusion, diffusion and viscosity, real gases
JOB OPPORTUNITIES (molecular interactions, Van der Waals equation, behaviour
of real gases, the critical state, the law of corresponding
Courses offered by the Department meet the current states).
requirements to accommodate job and career
advancement. Chemistry is recognised as a professional Electrolyte
field by Malaysian Institute of Chemistry and to date, our Properties of electrolyte solutions (Kohlrausch's Law, ionic
chemistry graduates have filled the job market in both public conductivity).
and private sectors. Job opportunities are available in basic .
research and development areas in research institutions Assessment Weightage:
such as FRIM, SIRIM, MARDI, Petronas, MPOB and IMR. Continuous assessment: 40%
In addition, graduates are employed in the teaching Final examination: 60%
profession in schools, colleges and universities. Career
opportunities are also available in the chemical and References:
manufacturing industries, oil and gas industries, 1. R. Chang and K. A. Goldsby, Chemistry, McGraw-Hill
petrochemicals, energy and fuel industries, polymer and Education, 2015, 12 Edition.
materials, electronics, sales and marketing, and new 2. P. Atkins, T. Overton, J. Rourke, M. Weller and F.
growth areas of green and sustainable technologies. Armstrong, Shriver & Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry,
Oxford University Press, 2018, 7 Edition.
3. M. S. Silberberg, Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of
COURSE SYNOPSIS Matter and Change, McGraw-Hill, 2017, 8 Edition.
4. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula and J. Keeler, Atkin’s Physical
Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2018, 11 Edition.
Part A: SIC1006 Computer Programming for the Sciences
Atoms, Molecules, Ions and Mass Relationship in
Chemical Reaction This course aims to arm science students with the basics of
The atomic theory, the structure of the atom, atomic programming computers using Python. This course covers
number, mass number and isotopes, molecules and ions, the basics of how one constructs a program from a series
chemical formulas, naming compounds, Avogadro’s of simple instructions in Python. This course has no pre-
number and the molar mass of an element, percent requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics.
composition of compounds, empirical formulas, chemical Anyone with some computer experience should be able to
reactions and chemical equations, stoichiometry master the materials in this course. At the end of this course
calculations, amounts of reactants and products, limiting students should be able to:
reagents, percentage of yield.
Map scientific problems into computational frameworks.
Reactions in Aqueous Solution Read, write and debug Python codes for these scientific
General properties of aqueous solutions, precipitation problems.
reactions, acid-base reactions, oxidation-reduction Describe the advantages and limitations of a computer
reactions, concentration of solutions. language in solving these problems.
Students who successfully completed this course will be
Periodic Relationships Among the Elements prepared for more advanced concepts of programming and
History of the periodic table, classification of the elements, effectively use external modules related to the various fields
trends in periodic table (atomic radius, ionization energy, of science in solving more sophisticated problems.
electronegativity, electron affinity, bond energy, lattice
energy). Assessment Weightage:
Continuous assessment: 40%
Chemical Bonding Final examination: 60%
Ionic bond, covalent bond, dative/coordinate bond,
metallic bond, hydrogen bond, Van der Waals interaction, References:
dipole moment, Lewis structure (formal charge and 1. Eric Matthes, Python Crash Course: A Hands-On,
resonance), exceptions to the octet rule, molecular Project-Based Introduction to Programming, No Starch
geometry, valence bond theory, hybridization of atomic Press, 2016
orbitals, hybridization in molecules containing double and 2. Allen B. Downey, Think Python How to Think Like a
triple bonds, molecular orbital theory, molecular orbital Computer Scientist, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly Media, Inc.,
configurations, delocalized molecular orbitals. 2015
3. Langtangen, Hans Petter A Primer on Scientific
Chemical Equilibrium Programming with Python, Springer 2016
The Equilibrium Law of reactions, relationship between K p
and K c, Le Chatelier’s Principle, equilibrium calculations.
Part B:
Atomic Structure Non-aqueous media:
Models of atomic structure (Dalton, Rutherford, Bohr, Introduction to non-aqueous media
quantum theory), wavefunction (quantization, atomic Acid–base behaviour in non-aqueous solvent, self-ionizing
orbitals), particle-wave duality, many-electron atoms and non-ionizing non-aqueous solvent, liquid: ammonia,
(Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Pauli exclusion principle, hydrogen fluoride, sulfuric, fluorosulfonic acid, supercritical
Hund’s rule, Aufbau principle, electronic configuration). fluid, ionic liquid.