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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               SIC1011  SAFETY   AND   BASIC   LABORATORY     chirality,  Werner's  theory,  valence  bond  theory,
               TECHNIQUES                                     magnetic  properties,  crystal  field  theory,  ligand  field
                                                              theory,   Jahn-Teller   effect,   tetrahedral   complex,
               Safety  in  a  chemical  laboratory;  quantitative  analysis   octahedral  complex,  tetragonal  distortion,  electronic
               (volumetry  &  gravmetry);  basic  chemical  separation   spectra, Orgel diagram and Tanabe-Sugano diagram.
               techniques;   chemical   bonding:   VSEPR   concept,
               configuration & conformation, stereochemistry   Reaction kinetics and mechanism of transition metal
               Assessment Weightage:                          Introduction   to   inorganic   reaction   mechanism.
               Continuous assessment:   100%                  Dissociative, associative and interchange mechanisms.
               Final examination:    -                        Derivation  of  the  rate  law  based  on  the  above
                                                              mechanisms.  Substitution  reactions  of  octahedral,
               References:                                    tetrahedral  and  5-coordinate  systems.  Substitution
               1.  Robert H. Hill & David C. Finster (2016) Laboratory   reactions catalysed by acid and base. Inner-sphere and
                                                              outer-sphere mechanisms.
                  Safety for Chemistry Student, John Wiley & Sons.
               2.  P.  W.  Atkins,  J.  de  Paula  and  J.  Keeler,  Atkin’s      Molecular Symmetry:
                  Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2018,
                  11th Edition.                               Symmetry  elements,  symmetry  operations,  point  groups,
               3.  N. Levine, Physical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, 2009, 6th   stereographic projections, group theory, transformation
                  Edition.                                    representation,  character  tables,  application  in  IR  and
               4.  H. Becker, W. Berger & G. Domschke, Organicum:   Raman spectroscopies and chiral molecules
                  Practical handbook of organic chemistry, Revised
                  Edn., Elsevier Science, 2013.
               5.  B.S. Furniss, A.J. Hannaford, P.W.G. Smith & A.R.   Assessment Weightage:   40%
                                                              Continuous assessment:
                  Tatchell,  Vogel’s  textbook  of  practical  organic   Final examination:   60%
                  chemistry. 5th Edn, Pearson India, 2003.
               6.  P. McPherson, Practical Volumetric Analysis, RSC,
                  2014.                                       References:
               7.  A.J. Berry, Volumetric Analysis, Cambridge University   1.  C.  E.  Housecroft  and  A.  G.  Sharpe,  Inorganic
                                                                Chemistry, 5  edn., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2018.
                  Press, 2014                                 2.  M.  Weller,  T.  Overton  and  J.  Rourke,  Inorganic
               8.  Catherine  E.  Housecroft  and  Alan  G.  Sharpe,     th
                  Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Pearson Prentice Hall,   Chemistry, 7  edn, Oxford University Press, 2018.
                  2018.                                       3.  J. E. House and K. A. House, Descriptive Inorganic
                                                                Chemistry, 3rd edn., Academic Press, 2015.

               SIC1012  LABORATORY SKILLS                     SIC2017  PRACTICAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY II

               Application of volumetric in stoichiometric analysis;   COORDINATION CHEMISTRY
               qualitative organic analysis: elemental analysis &   Isomers, spectrochemical series and mechanochemical
               functional group tests; investigation of chemical reaction   reactions.
               kinetics, measurement of reaction enthalpy.
               Assessment Weightage:                          Cis- and trans- transformation and ligand substitution
               Continuous assessment:   100%                  reactions
               Final examination:    -
               References:                                    Theory and hands on techniques on 1H NMR, FTIR and
               1.  Robert H. Hill & David C. Finster (2016) Laboratory
                  Safety for Chemistry Student, John Wiley & Sons.   Assessment Weightage:
               2.  P.  W.  Atkins,  J.  de  Paula  and  J.  Keeler,  Atkin’s
                  Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2018,   Continuous assessment:   100%
                  11th Edition.                               Final examination:   -
               3.  N. Levine, Physical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, 2009, 6th      References:
                  Edition.                                    1.  C.  E.  Housecroft  and  a.  G.  Sharpe,  inorganic
               4.  H. Becker, W. Berger & G. Domschke, Organicum:
                  Practical handbook of organic chemistry, Revised   chemistry, 5th Edn., pearson prentice hall, 2018.
                  Edn., Elsevier Science, 2013.               2.  M.  Weller,  t.  Overton  and  j.  Rourke,  inorganic
                                                                chemistry, 7th Edn, oxford university press, 2018.
               5.  B.S. Furniss, A.J. Hannaford, P.W.G. Smith & A.R.   3.  J. E. House and k. A. House, descriptive inorganic
                  Tatchell,  Vogel’s  textbook  of  practical  organic   chemistry, 3rd Edn., academic press, 2015.
                  chemistry. 5th Edn, Pearson India, 2003.
               6.  P. McPherson, Practical Volumetric Analysis, RSC,   4.  Journal articles of the current year.
               7.  A.J. Berry, Volumetric Analysis, Cambridge University   SIC2018  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II
                  Press, 2014
               8.  Catherine  E.  Housecroft  and  Alan  G.  Sharpe,
                  Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Pearson Prentice Hall,   Nucleophilic addition, nucleophilic acyl substitution,
                  2018.                                       oxidation and reduction.
                                                               Organometallic reagents in organic synthesis.
               SIC2016  INORGANIC CHEMISTRY II
                                                              Chemistry of enols and enolates: Acidity of the α-hydrogen,
               Coordination chemistry:                        -keto-enol  tautomerism;  halogenation  and  alkylation,
               Introduction  to  coordinate  bond,  types  of  ligands,   regioselective  enolate  formation:  formation  of  aldols  and
               coordination  number,  nomenclature,  isomerism  and   enamines as enol equivalents. Conjugate addition.

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