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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                              Assessment Weightage:
               Assessment Weightage:                          Continuous assessment:   100%
               Continuous assessment:   40%                   Final examination:   -
               Final examination:    60%
               References:                                    1.  Williamson, K. L., & Masters, K. M. (2010). Macroscale
               1.  E. Housecroft and A. G. Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry,   and  microscale  organic  experiments.  Cengage
                  5th edn., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2018.        Learning.
               2.  M.  Weller,  T.  Overton  and  J.  Rourke,  Inorganic   2.  Furniss,  B.  S.  (1989).  Vogel's  textbook  of  practical
                  Chemistry, 7th edn, Oxford University Press, 2018.   organic chemistry. Pearson Education India.
               3.  J.  E.  House  and  K.  A.  House,  Descriptive  Inorganic
                  Chemistry, 3rd edn., Academic Press, 2015.
                                                              SIC3024  PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY III

               SIC3021  PRACTICAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY III   Part   A:   Electronic   Structure   Theory   and
               Synthesis  of  organometallic  compounds,  spectroscopic   Linear  variational  method,  Time  independent  and
               analysis  for  structural  determination  and  investigation  of   dependent  perturbation  theories,  Angular  momentum
               point group based on IR and Raman spectra.     theory. Energy diagram of many-electron atoms, Molecular
                                                              orbital theory and electronic potential energy.
               Assessment Weightage:
               Continuous assessment:   100%                  Absorption  and  emission  of  light,  Fluorescence  and
               Final examination:    -                        quenching, Intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution,
                                                              Internal   conversion,   Intersystem   crossing,
               References:                                    Phosphorescence,   Photodissociation,   Laser-induced
               1.  E. Housecroft and A. G. Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry,   fluorescence,  Multiphoton  ionization,  Photochemistry  on
                  5  edn., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2018.       short time scales, Atmospheric chemistry.
               2.  M.  Weller,  T.  Overton  and  J.  Rourke,  Inorganic
                  Chemistry, 7  edn, Oxford University Press, 2018.   Part  B: Statistical  Thermodynamics  and  Dynamics  of
               3.  J. E. House and K. A. House, Descriptive Inorganic   Molecular Reactions
                  Chemistry, 3rd edn., Academic Press, 2015.   The  fundamentals  of  statistical  mechanics  from  the
                                                              definitions of molecular interactions giving a set of energy
                                                              levels  for  N-molecule  systems.  Statistical  treatment  to
               SIC3022  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III                 obtain  a  distribution  of  the  most  probable  energy
                                                              configuration  or  Boltzmann  distribution.  Introduction  to
               Strategies  in  multistep  synthesis:  retrosynthetic  analysis.   partition function of molecules containing all the information
               Synthesis of C-C-bonds.                        on N-molecule systems. Ensemble concept, incorporated
                                                              partition  function  and  its  relation  to  thermodynamic
               Asymmetric  synthesis:  axial  chirality,  importance  of   properties.
               enantiopure compounds, chiral pool; selected examples of
               asymmetric   synthesis   including   hydrogenation,   Diffusion controlled reactions. Activated complex theory and
               epoxidation, dihydroxylation, use of chiral auxiliaries.   reactions in solutions. The dynamics of molecular collisions.

               Reactivity;  intermediates  and  product  studies,  energetics   Assessment Weightage:
               and  kinetics,  isotope  effects  and  linear  free  energy   Continuous assessment:   40%
               relationships.                                 Final examination:   60%

               Assessment Weightage:                          References:
               Continuous assessment:   40%                   1.P.  W.  Atkins,  Physical  Chemistry,  11   ed.,  Oxford
               Final examination:    60%                       University Press, New York, 2018
                                                              2.P.  W.  Atkins,  Molecular  Quantum  Mechanics,  5   ed.,
               References:                                     Oxford University Press, New York, 2011.
               1.  Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves,  Stuart Warren, Peter   3.J. P. Lowe, Quantum Chemistry, 3  ed., Academic Press,
                  Wothers, Organic Chemistry, 2th Edition, Oxford Press,   New York, 2011.
                  2012 (latest edition)                       4.P. W., Atkins, J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry for the Life
               2.  Michael  Smith,  Organic  Synthesis,  4th  Edition,   Sciences,  2   ed.,  Oxford  University  Press,  New  York,
                  Academic Press, 2016                         2011.
               3.  David  E,  Lewis,  Advanced  Organic  Chemistry,  23rd
                  Edition (Dewey), Oxford Uni. Press (New York), 2016
               4.  S.   Warren,   Organic   Synthesis,   Disconnection   SIC3025  PRACTICAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY III
                  Approach, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2019
                                                              Bomb  calorimetry,  molecular  spectroscopy,  the  critical
                                                              point, determination of acid dissociation constant for methyl
               SIC3023  PRACTICAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III    red,  phase  diagram  of  a  three-component  partially
                                                              immiscible  liquid system,  hydrolysis  of  tert-butyl  chloride,
               ‘Oligo-step’  organic  synthesis;  Carbonyl  chemistry:   influence of alcohol chain elongation on the surface activity
               Correlation of experimental operations with theory;   for  normal  aliphatic  alcohol,  determination  of  vapour
                                                              viscosity, rotational-vibrational spectra of HCl and DCl.
               Separation  of  organic  compounds  using  an  acid-base
               extraction  scheme;  application  of  qualitative  elemental   Assessment  Weightage:
               analysis,  functional  group  tests,  spectroscopy  and  small-   Continuous assessment:   100%
               scale chemical conversion for the identification of organic   Final examination:   -

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