Page 107 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
P. 107
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
multicomponent system (liquid-vapour, liquid-liquid and
Chemistry of amines; chirality of nitrogen atom, reactions of liquid-solid) and applications.
Part D: Macromolecules
Introduction to biomolecules: carbohydrates, amino acids, Introduction to macromolecules and polymers. Kinetics of
peptides and proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. free radical polymerisation. Distribution and determination
of molecular weights. Solubility and conformation of
Assessment Weightage: polymers.
Continuous assessment: 40%
Final examination: 60% Assessment Weightage
Continuous assessment: 40%
References: Final examination: 60%
1. T. W. G. Solomons, Organic Chemistry, 12 ed., Wiley,
2016. References:
2. J. E. McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 9 ed. Cengage 1. P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, 11 ed., Oxford
Learning, 2015. University Press, 2018.
3. P. Bruice, Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition, Pearson, 2. P. W. Atkins and R. S. Friedman, Molecular Quantum
2016. Mechanics, Oxford University Press, 2011, 5th Edition.
4. J. Clayden, N. Greeves and S. Warren, Oxford Organic 3. J. P. Lowe and K. A. Peterson, Quantum Chemistry,
Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Oxford, 2012. Elsevier Academic Press, 2011, 3rd Edition.
5. L. Wade and J. Simek, Organic Chemistry, 9th Edition, 4. R. J. Young and P. A. Lovell, Introduction to Polymers,
Pearson, 2016. CRC Press, 2011, 3rd Edition.
Organic synthesis & natural product extraction; Application Thermodynamical properties of liquid-vapour phase
of metal reagents in organic synthesis; equilibrium, heat of neutralisation, determining activity
coefficients via emf measurements, ionic transport
Application of qualitative elemental analysis, functional numbers, partial molar properties of solutions, kinetics of
group tests, spectroscopy and small-scale chemical chemical reaction, determination of mean activity coefficient
conversion for the identification of organic compounds. and solubility of potassium hydrogen tartarate (KHT) in
aqueous solution.
Assessment Weightage:
Continuous assessment: 100% Assessment Weightage:
Final examination: - Continuous assessment: 100%
Final examination: -
1. K. L. Williamson & k. M. Masters (2010). Macroscale References:
and microscale organic experiments. Cengage 1. Laboratory Manual Physical Chemistry II, Department
Learning Of Chemistry, Universiti Malaya.
2. B.s. Furniss, A. J. Hannaford, P. W. G. Smith & A. R. 2. P. W. Atkins, J. De Paula And J. Keeler, Atkin’s
Tatchell, Yogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2018, 11
Chemistry. 5 Edn, Pearson India, 2003. Edition.
3. H. Becker, w. Berger & g. Domschke, 3. G.M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, 6 Ed.,
Organicum:Practical Handbook Of Organic Chemistry, 2011.
Revised Edn., Elsevier Science, 2013.
Part A: Quantum Chemistry Classical analysis, concentration systems/units, sampling
Harmonic oscillator and vibrational motion, angular in analysis.
momentum and rotational motion; Electronic structures of
hydrogen-like atoms and many-electron atoms, Data Treatment
approximation methods for many electron atoms–neglect of Precision and accuracy, statistical methods for error
electron-electron repulsion, perturbation theory and analysis, population and sampling, confidence limits,
variation methods, independent particle approximation, measurement uncertainty, significant figures, test for mean,
Pauli principle, Aufbau principle, Hund's rules, Slater rejection of analytical data.
determinant, Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method,
molecular Hamilton operator, Electronic structure of Complexometric titration
molecules: Born-Oppenheimer approximation, molecular EDTA complexometric titrations, back titration, metal
orbital theory, valence-bond theory, Huckel molecular indicators, masking agent.
orbital theory.
Part B: Chemical Kinetics Interaction of light energy between atoms and molecules;
Introduction to reaction rate theory. Collision between quantitative aspects of absorption. Molecular spectrometric
molecules, gas transport phenomenon. Collision theory of techniques – UV / Visible, IR, NIR; dispersion, absorption,
uni-, bi- and termolecular gas reactions. Complex reactions. fluorescence and emission. Spectrophotometric
instruments; Atomic emission spectroscopy and atomic
Part C: Chemical Thermodynamics absorption spectrometry: An introduction uses of
Second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic spectrophotometry.
properties of multicomponent mixtures. Equilibrium of
chemical reactions. Phase equilibrium: phase transition and
classification; phase rule, phase diagram for