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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               SIC3046 OLEOCHEMISTRY                          1.  J G. Speight. (2014). The Chemistry and Technology of
                                                                Petroleum 5th Edition. CRC Press.
               Overview  of  the  oleochemical  industry,  research  &   2.  M.  André,  Z.  Samaras.  (2016).  Energy  and
               development.  Introduction  to  oleochemical  industry  in   Environment.  Wiley Online Library.
               Malaysia and global.                           3.  Energy  &  Fuels,  American  Chemical  Society  (ACS
                                                                Publications) (Tahun Semasa)
               Raw  material  of  oleochemical  industry.  Synthesis  and   4.  M. J. Kaiser, A. de Klerk, J. H. Gary, G. E. Handwerk.
               formation  of  basic  oleochemicals  (building  blocks)  from   (2019).  Petroleum  Refining:  Technology,  Economics
               chemical and enzymatic industrial processes.     and Markets 6th Edition. CRC Press.

               Synthesis, production and use of oleochemical derivatives
               as  surfactants,  oil-based  emulsions  and  nanoemulsions,   SIC3048  PROCESS CHEMISTRY
               biodiesel, biolubricant, coatings and paint, adhesives.
                                                              Material balances (flowsheet, general balance equation,
               Cosmetic,  pharmaceutical,  personal  care  and  makeup   material balance techniques, multiple unit balances,
               formulations.                                  chemical reactions).

               Assessment Weightage:                          Energy balances (energy balance equations, estimation of
               Continuous assessment:   40%                   enthalpy changes, reactive systems, energy balance
               Final examination:    60%                      equations).

               References:                                    Fluid Flow (types of fluids, flow regimes, balance
               1.  F.  D.  Gunstone,  H.  RichardJohn  Oleochemical   equations).
                  Manufacture and Applications, CRC Press, 2001.
               2.  M Surhone, T. T. Mariam, F. H. Susan, Oleochemical,   Heat Transfer (mechanism, shell and tube heat
                  Lambert Betascript Publishing, 2011.        exchanger).
               3.  G.  Güngör,  Chemistry,  Materials,  and  Properties  of
                  Surface   Coatings:   Traditional   and   Evolving   Process Control (objectives, control loop, measuring
                  Technologies, DEStech Publications, Inc, 2015.   devices, controllers, final control element, computer
               4.  U. Moghis Ahmad, Fatty Acids: Chemistry, Synthesis,   control).
                  and Applications, Elsevier Science, 2017.
                                                              Software systems to design, analyse and troubleshoot
                                                              flow system.
               SIC3047  PETROCHEMISTRY
                                                              Assessment Weightage:
               Overview  of  petroleum  refining  and  petrochemistry   Continuous assessment:   40%
               industry.  Crude  oil  refinery  operations  and  respective   Final examination:   60%
               feedstocks  and  products  involved:  crude  oil  distillation,
               catalytic  reforming  and  isomerisation,  catalytic  cracking,   References:
               coking and hydrotreating.                      1.  A.  Hougen,  K.  M.  Watson  and  R.  A.  Ragatz  (2004).
                                                                Chemical Process Principles: Part 1. CBS Publishers &
               Natural  gas  products  (hydrogen,  synthesis  gas  and   Distributors.
               ammonia)  and  its  production  including  steam  methane   2.  R. M. Felder and R. W. Rousseau (2009). Elementary
               reforming,  water  gas  shift,  partial  oxidation,  autothermal   rincip.les of Chemical Processes. Wiley.
               reforming and pressure swing absorption.

               C1 products (formic acid and its derivatives, hydrogen   SIC3049  FOOD CHEMISTRY
               cyanide, chloromethane) formation.
               C2 products (ethylene and vinyl chloride) and its   Introduction  to  food  chemistry.  Role  of  water  in  food.
               production.                                    Important components in food: carbohydrates, amino acids,
               C3 products (propylene, isopropylene and acrylic acid) and   lipids,  proteins;  chemical  transformations  of  food  during
               its production.                                storage, transportation, processing, and preparation. Food
               C4 products (butylene and MTBE) and its production.   metabolism.
               Aromatic products (benzene, toluene and xylene) and its
               production.                                    Assessment Weightage:
                                                              Continuous assessment:   40%
               Conversion  of  benzene  into  ethylbenzene;  styrene;   Final examination:   60%
               cumene;  phenol;  acetone;  bisphenol  A;  polycarbonate;
               aniline and nitrobenzene.                      References:
               Conversion of toluene into toluene diisocyanate; methylene   1.  deMan, J. M., Finley, J., Hurst, W. J., Lee, C., Principles
               diphenyl diisocyanate; polyurethane.             of  Food  Chemistry,  4th  Ed.,  Springer  International
               Conversion of xylene into phthalic anhydride, terephthalic   Publishing, 2018.
               acid and dimethyl terephthalate.               2.  Damodaran, S., Parkin, K., Fennema's Food Chemistry,
                                                                5th Ed., Apple Academic Press Inc., 2017.
               Selected  petrochemicals  production  mechanism  as  such   3.  Provost, J. J., Colabroy, K. L., Kelly, B.S., Wallert, M.A.,
               are   discussed:   propylene   oxide   (Dow   Process);   The  Science  of  Cooking:  Understanding  Chemistry
               cyclohexane oxidation to cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol;   Behind Food and Cooking, Wiley, 2016.
               cumene  oxidation  to  phenol  and  acetone;  acetaldehyde   4.  Wong,  D.  W.  S.,  Mechanism  and  Theory  in  Food
               oxidation to acetic acid and acetic anhydride.   Chemistry,  Second  Edition,  Springer  International
                                                                Publishing, 2018.
               Assessment Weightage:
               Continuous assessment:   40%
               Final examination:    60%

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