Page 120 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                 SII3020         Industrial Mineral                          SII3009                     2
                 SII3021         Tectonic and Earth History                  SII2006                     2
                 SII3022         Mining and Mineral Exploration              SII2009                     3
                 SII3023         Geological Site Investigation               SII2016                     2
                 SII3024         Unconventional Resources of Oil and Gas     SII2004                     3
                 SIM1001         Basic Mathematics                                                       4
                 SIM1002         Calculus 1                                                              4
                    Student Holistic Empowerment [SHE]
                    Choose one course from each cluster
                    Cluster                               Cluster Title                                Credits
                 Cluster 1      Thinking Matters: Mind and Intellect                                     2
                 Cluster 2      Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Intelligence: Heart, Body & Soul       2
                 Cluster 3      Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics: i-Techie         2
                 Cluster 4      Global Issues and Community Sustainability: Making the World a Better Place   2

               The education objectives of B.Sc. in Applied Geology program are to produce graduates who are:

                1. Professional in the practice of geology and related fields.

                2. Involved  in  lifelong  learning  activities  for  the  development  of  personal  knowledge  whether  in  the
                   academic or industrial field.
                3. Contribute to the development and well-being of society.


               At the end of the program, the graduate with a B.Sc. in Applied Geology degree will be able to: -
                 1.    Acquire and apply basic geological concepts and principles in geological practice.

                 2.    Demonstrate  intellectuality  and  professionalism  in  the  application  of  knowledge  in  solving
                       geological problems.

                 3.    Use  appropriate  methods  and  practical skills  in  the  planning  and  implementation  of  geological

                 4.    Manage and deliver information clearly and effectively, orally and in written form, as well as be a
                       responsible and productive team member.

                 5.    Use digital technology and mathematical knowledge to improve the quality of geological practice.

                 6.    Demonstrate leadership, independence, and responsibility in the workplace and in the classroom.

                 7.    Engage effectively in community activities or explore entrepeneurial opportunities.

                 8.    Ethical and maintain integrity in geological practice.

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