Page 125 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                  4.  Wyss,  M.  &  Peppoloni,  S.  (eds.)  (2014)  Geoethics:
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment    : 100%                        Ethical Challenges and Case Studies in  Earth Sciences.
                                                                      Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-127-99935-7
                                                                  5.  Government of Malaysia, (2008) Laws of Malaysia, Act
               1.  Neese, W.D. (2017) Introduction to Mineralogy. Oxford  689 Geologists Act 2008. Percetakan Nasional Malaysia
                   Uni. Press, ISBN 9780190618353.                    Berhad.
               2.  Pellant,  H.,  (2020)  Rocks  and  Minerals,  Princeton  6.  US National Academy of Sciences, (2010). Promoting
                                                                      chemical  laboratory  safety  and  security  in  developing
                   University Press, ISBN 9780691204062.
               3.  Deer,  W.A.  Howie,  R.A.  &  Zussman  J.  (2013)  An  countries. National Academies Press, Washington DC
                   introduction  to  the  Rock  Forming  Minerals,  3   ed.,  (e-book)
                   Mineralogical Society, ISBN 9780903056274
               4.  Perkins,  D.  &  Henke,  K.R.  (2003).  Minerals  in  Thin   LEVEL 2 COURSES
                   Section. Prentice Hall, 176 pp. ISBN 978-0131420151
               5.  Neese, W.D. (2013) Introduction to Optical Mineralogy.  SII2002  APPLIED GEOLOGY FIELD COURSE
                   Oxford Uni. Press, ISBN 9780199846283.
               6.  Perkins, D. (2013). Mineralogy. Pearson, 568 pp. ISBN  Principles  and  techniques  of  geological  fieldwork  and  field
                   978-1292039114                                 data  acquisition.  Preparing  geological  maps  using  manual
                                                                  and  digital  methods.  The  course  involves  four  weeks  of
                                                                  fieldwork  covering  general  geological  mapping,  structural
                                                                  geology, sedimentology, and economic geology.
               Introduction to geological fieldwork, field equipment and basic
               field safety. Field methods and techniques used in geological   Assessment Methods:    : 100%
                                                                  Continuous assessment
               mapping and data acquisition. Preparation of geological map,
               cross-sections, and report.
                                                                 1.  Clarke, S.M., Stimpson, I & Leslie, G, (2020) Advanced
               Assessment Methods:                                   Geological  Mapping:  A  Field  Guide.  Hoboken,  ISBN
               Continuous assessment    : 100%
                                                                 2.  Compton,  R.R.  (2016)  Geology  in  the  Field, Earthspun
                1.  Clarke, S.M., Stimpson, I & Leslie, G, (2020) Advanced  Books, ISBN 978-620-70842-5
                   Geological  Mapping:  A  Field  Guide.  Hoboken,  ISBN  3.  Geikie,  A.  (2017)  Outlines  of  Field  Geology.
                   9781119084587                                     Hansebooks, ISBN 978-3-337-31146-9
                2.  Genge,  M.J.  (2019)  Geological  Field  Sketches  and  4.  Lisle, R.J., Brabham, P.J. & Barnes, J.W. (2012) Basic
                   Illustrations: A Practical Guide, Oxford  University Press,  Geological  Mapping.  Fifth  Edition,  Wiley-Blackwell,
                   ISBN 978-0-198-83592-9                            ISBN: 978-0-470-68634-8
                3.  Geikie,  A.  (2017)  Outlines  of  Field  Geology.  5.  Coe,  A.L.  (ed.)  (2010)  Geological  Field  Techniques.
                                                                     Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-1-444-33062-5
                   Hansebooks, ISBN 978-3-337-31146-9
                4.  Lisle, R.J., Brabham, P.J. & Barnes, J.W. (2012) Basic  6.  Saiful-Islam,   S.   (2014)   Aerial   Photography,
                   Geological  Mapping.  Fifth  Edition,  Wiley-Blackwell,  Photogeology,  GIS,  R.S.  and  Image   Processing.
                   ISBN: 978-0-470-68634-8                           Lambert Academic Publishing. 978-3-659-30987-8
                5.  Coe,  A.L.  (ed.)  (2010)  Geological  Field  Techniques.  SII2003  STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY
                   Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-1-444-33062-5
                6.  Compton, R.R. (2016) Geology in the Field, Earthspun
                   Books, ISBN 978-620-70842-5                    Principles  of  deformation.  Morphology  and  classification  of
                                                                  geological  structures.  Mechanism  of  faulting,  folding  and
                                                                  related  structures.  Stereographic  projections  of  geological
                                                                  data.  Description,  interpretation  and  analysis  of  geological
                                                                  structures and structural geology maps.
               This course is designed to expose students to  the importance
               of ethics and safety in the practice of geology. Students will
               be introduced to the concept of geoethics, the responsibilities   Assessment Methods:
               of  geologists  to  the  public,  and  ethics  in  research  and   Continuous assessment   : 40%
                                                                                       : 60%
               professional practice. This course also covers safety in the
               practice  of  geology  including  in  the  field,  laboratory  and
               workplace.                                         References:
                                                                  1. Fossen,  H.,  (2016).  Structural  Geology,  2nd  Ed.
                                                                     Cambridge University Press, 463 p.
               Assessment Methods:                                2. Hobbs, B.E. (2017). Structural Geology: The Mechanics
               Continuous assessment    : 100%
                                                                     of Deforming Metamorphic Rocks. Elsevier, 680 p.
                                                                  3. Ragan, D.M., (2011). Structural Geology: An Introduction
                1.  Bohle,  M.  (ed.)  (2019)  Exploring  Geoethics:  Ethical  to Geometrical Techniques. Cambridge, 632 p.
                   Implications,  Societal  Contexts,  and  Professional  4. Van  der  Pluijm,  B.A.  &  Marshak,  S.,  (2003).  Earth
                                                                     Structure:  An  Introduction  to  Structural  Geology  and
                   Obligations of the Geosciences. Springler Nature, ISBN
                   978-3-030-12009-2.                                Tectonics, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, 495 p.
                2.  Gunderson,  L.C.  (ed.)  (2017)  Scientific  Integrity  and  5. Rowland, S.M., Duebendorfer, E.M. & Schiefelbein, I.M.,
                   Ethics  with  Applications  to  the  Geosciences.  Special  (2007). Structural Analysis and Synthesis. A Laboratory
                                                                     Course in Structural Geology. Blackwell Publ., 304 p.
                   Publication  American  Geophysical  Union,  John  Wiley  6. Allison, D.T. (2015) Structural Geology Laboratory Manual
                   and Sons. ISBN 978-1-119-06778-8
                3.  Anderson, A. et al. (2015) Laboratory and Field Safety  (e-book). 4th Ed.
                   Guidelines,  South  Dakota  School  of  Mines  and
                   Technology. (e-book)
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