Page 126 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               SII2004  SEDIMENTOLOGY
                                                                  SII2007 INTRODUCTION TO GEOPHYSICS
               This course touches on methods of describing  and classifying
               sediments  and  sedimentary  rocks,  including  siliciclastic,   Theory of geophysical methods (seismic gravity magnetic and
               carbonates  etc.  This  course  also  discusses  the  origin  and   electrical). Data acquisition and reduction of data. Problems
               processes  of  formation,  transportation  and  deposition  of   in  data  acquisition  and  reduction.  Sources  of  geophysical
               sediments,  and  the  process  of  transformation of sediments   anomalies.  Analysis  and  interpretation  of  anomalies  and
               into  sedimentary  rocks  via  diagenesis.  The method  of   modeling. Application in exploration and industries.
               interpretation  of  interpreting  past  depositional  history  using
               facies analysis is also taught.                    Assessment Methods:
                                                                  Continuous assessment   : 40%
               Assessment Methods:                                Examination          : 60%
               Continuous assessment   : 40%
               Examination           : 60%                        References:
                                                                  1. William  Lowrie  (2018):  Geophysics:  A  very  short
               References:                                           introduction. Oxford University Press
               1. Nichols,  G.  (2009).  Sedimentology  and  Stratigraphy  2. M.  Dentith  &  S.  T.  Mudge  (2014):  Geophysical  for  the
                  Second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 432p.             mineral  exploration  geoscientist.  Cambridge  University
               2. Reading,  H.G.  (1996).  Sedimentary  Environments:  Press.
                  Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy. Blackwell Science,  3. William Lowrie (2015): A student’s guide to geophysical
                  688p.                                              equations, Cambridge University Press.
               3. James, N.P. & Dalrymple, R.W. (2010). Facies Models.  4. M. E. Everett (2013): Near-surface Applied Geophysics,
                  Geological Association of Canada, 586p.            Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
               4. Scholle, P.A., Ulmer-Scholle, D.S. (2003). A Color Guide  5. W.  J.  Hinze  et  al,  (2018):  Gravity  and  Magnetic
                  to the Petrography of Carbonate Rocks: Grains, Textures,  Exploration:  Principles,  Practices  &  Applications,
                  Porosity, Diagenesis. AAPG Memoir 77, 474p.        Cambridge University Press.
               5. Flügel,  E.  (2004).  Microfacies  of  Carbonate  Rocks:
                  Analysis, Interpretation and Application. Springer, 976p.  SII2008  GEOLOGY AND COMMUNITY
               SII2005  IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY         This course exposes students to community service related to
                                                                  geological  field.  Students  need  to  plan  and  implement
               Classification  of  igneous  rocks.  Magma  evolution  and   community  engagement  programs  related  to  geology  in
               petrogenetic processes. Diversity of igneous rock. Definition,   groups.  Students  are  also  required  to  create  a  reflection
               Types of metamorphism and their limitations. Depth zones,   journal to record self-transformation before, during and after
               facies, and reaction in metamorphism. Microscope study of   the community engagement program as well as  group reports
               Igneous and metamorphic rock.                      and  presentations  based  on  experiences  with  the
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment   : 40%                      Assessment Methods:
               Examination           : 60%                        Continuous assessment   : 100%
               References:                                        References:
               1.  Philpotts A.R., and Ague J.J. 2009. Principles of Igneous  1.  Lina  D.  Dostilio,  2017.  The  Community  Engagement
                   and            metamorphic  petrology  (2   ed).  Professional in Higher Education: A Competency Model
                   Cambridge Uni. Press.                             for an Emerging Field, Campus Compact.
               2.  Gill, R., 2010. Igneous Rocks and Processes: A Practical  2.  Julia Preece, 2017. University Community Engagement
                   Handbook. Wiley Blackwell.                        and Lifelong Learning: The Porous University, Springer.
               3.  Winter,  J.D.,  2011.  Principles  of  Igneous  and  3.  Lutgens, F. et al. (2017) Essentials of Geology (13th ed),
                   Metamorphic Petrology. Pearson Education Limited.  Pearson, 608 pp.
               4.  Shelly, D. 1992. Igneous and metamorphic rocks under  4.  Marshak, S. (2015) Earth: Portrait of a Planet (5th ed),
                   microscope:  classification,  textures,  microtextures  and  W.W. Norton & Company, 984 p.
                   mineral preferred orientation. Chapman & Hall 445 pp
               5.  Raymond L.A. 1995. Metamorphic. WCB, 742 pp.   SII2009  GEOCHEMISTRY
               SII2006  PALEONTOLOGY                              The course begins with a general overview of geochemistry,
                                                                  and  a  review  of  concepts  the  student  should  have  come
               Study  of  invertebrate  macrofossils,  trace  fossils,  and  plant   across  already, such  as cosmology,  nuclear  reactions,  and
               fossils  in  terms  of  morphology,  taxonomy,  palaeoecology,   calculations involving atomic mass, equilibrium constants, and
               biostratigraphy, evolution and palaeobiogeography.   reactions involving minerals. Then, two and three dimensional
                                                                  chemographies are introduced, together with their association
               Assessment Methods:                                with  phase  diagrams,  and  their  uses  within  metamorphic
               Continuous  assessment  :  40%                     petrology   and   understanding   weathering   processes.
               Examination           : 60%                        Radiometric dating, and the use of stable isotopes conclude
               References:                                        the course.
               1.  Doyle, P. (1996) Understanding Fossils. Wiley & Sons,
                   Chichester, 409 pp.                            .
               2.  Clarkson, E.N.K. (1998) Invertebrate Palaeontology and  Assessment Methods:
                   Evolution (4  Ed.). Blackwell Science, Oxford. 452 pp.  Continuous assessment   : 40%
               3.  Benton, M. (1997). Basic Palaeontology. Longman,  Examination       : 60%
                   Hong Kong. 342 pp.

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