Page 127 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                  SII2012  GEOLOGICAL DATA ANALYSIS
               1.  Krauskopf, K.B. (2003). Introduction to  Geochemistry, 3rd
                  Ed. McGraw Hill, 668 pp.                        In  this  course,  student  will  learn  how  to  use  the  different
               2.  Brownlow, A.H. (1995). Geochemistry. 2nd Ed. Prentice-   method  of  data  analysis,  and  how  to  use  ITC,  graphics
                  Hall, 498 pp.                                   software and programing software to analyze geological and
               3.  Faure, G. and Mensing, T.M. (2004) Isotopes: Principles   geoscience data.
                                                                  Assessment Methods:
                  and Applications. 3rd Ed. John Wiley, 928 pp.   Continuous assessment    : 40%
               4.  Sharp,  Z.  (2006).  Principles  of  Stable  Isotope
                  Geochemistry.Prentice-Hall,  360  pp.  ISBN-13:  978-   Examination   : 60%
               5.  Marshak,  S.  (2012).  Essentials  of  Geology  (Fourth   References:
                                                                  1.  Y.Z. Ma (2019): Quantitative geoscience: Data analytics,
                  Edition).  W.  W.  Norton  &  Company,  648  pp.  ISBN-13:
                  978-0393919394.                                    geostatistics,  Reservoir  characterization  &  modeling.
               6.  White, W.M. (2013). Geochemistry. Wiley-Blackwell 668   Springer nature Switzerland.
                  pp. ISBN-13: 978-0470656686.                    2.  J.  Hair  et  al.,  (2018):  Multivariate  data  analysis  (8th
               7.  White,  W.M.  (2015).  Isotope  Geochemistry.  Wiley-   edition). Cengage Learning EMEA.
                  Blackwell, 496 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0470656709.     3.  Ricardo a Valls P. Geo (2017): Exploring  geological data.
                                                                     Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
               SII2010  GIS APPLICATIONS IN GEOSCIENCES           4.  M.A  Oliver  &  R.  Webster  (2015):  Basic  steps  in
                                                                     geostatistics: The variogram and  Kriging.  Springer Briefs
               Fundamentals of GIS theory and data formats. Importance of   in Agriculture.
               map  projection,  scale,  resolution,  accuracy,  and  precision.   5.  M.E. Hohn (2013): Geostatistics  and  Petroleum Geology
                                                                     (2nd edition). Springer Netherlands.
               Techniques  in  preparing,  locating,  acquiring,  inputting,  and
               translating geological data into a GIS system.  Web resources   6.  Haining,  R.  (2003).  Spatial  Data  Analysis:  Theory  and
               for  acquiring  GIS  data  and  tools.  Visualization,  query,  and   Practice 1  Edition. Paperback.
               analysis of geospatial data.
                                                                   SII2013  MARINE GEOLOGY
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment         : 100%               Many of the processes that impact the Earth system occur
                                                                  completely  or  partly  below  the  oceans.  Some  of  these
               References:                                        processes  act  on  geologic  time  scales,  affecting  mountain
                1.   Bolstad, P. (2019) GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on   belts and their shapes, forming ore deposits, changing Earth’s
                   Geographic  Information  Systems.  6   ed.  ZanEdu   climate, and depositing rock units that we use as aquifer or
                   Publishing, ISBN 978-1593995522                that  trap  hydrocarbons.  Other  processes  act  more  quickly,
                2.   Chang,  K.  (2018)  ISE  Introduction  to  Geographic   causing  earthquakes  and  tsunamis,  or  possibly  affecting
                   Information  Systems.  8th  Edition.  McGraw  Hill,  ISBN      Earth’s climate on the timescale of a human lifespan.
                3.   Longley, P.A., Goodchild, M.F., Maguire, D.J. & Rhind,   Assessment Methods:
                   D.W.  (2015)  Geographic  Information  Systems  and   Continuous assessment   : 40%
                   Science.  4th  Edition.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  ISBN   Examination   : 60%
                4.   Burrough, P.A., McDonnell, R.A. & Lloyd, C.D. (2015)   References:
                   Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford   1.   Seibold,  E.  &  Berger,  W.  (2018)  The  Sea  Floor:  An
                   University Press, ISBN 9780198742845               Introduction  to  Marine  Geology,  Springer,  ISBN
                                                                  2.   9783319846439
                                                                      Finkl, C.W. & Makowski, C. (2017) Diversity in Coastal
               TECHNIQUES                                             Marine   Sciences:   Historical   Perspectives   and
                                                                      Contemporary   Research   of   Geology,   Physics,
               This  is  a  practical  course  teaching  chemical  analysis   Chemistry,  Biology,  and  Remote  Sensing,  Springer,
               technique which are widely used to solve problems in geology   ISBN 9783319575766
               and  hydrogeology.  Students  will  use  up-to-date  scientific   3.   Dawson,  A.  (2018)  Introducing  Sea  Level  Change,
               instruments and techniques such as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD),   Dunedin Academic Press, ISBN 9781780460871
               X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)   4.   Burdige,  D.J.  (2006)  Geochemistry  of  Marine
               and  Gas  Chromatography-Mass  Spectrometry  (GCMS)  to   Sediments,   Princeton   Univ   Press,   ISBN
               conduct analyses on a range of samples often encountered in   9780691095066.
               geochemistry, hydrogeology, and organic geochemistry.
                                                                  SII2014  KARST GEOMORPHOLOGY AND
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment         : 100%
                                                                  Karst  characteristics  from  scientific  and  management
               References:                                        perspective. Karst geomorphology and lithological control that
                                                                  gives karst landscape its specific characteristics including the
               1.   Potts, P.J. (2013). A Handbook of Silicate Rock Analysis,
                   Blackie, 622 p.                                global  distribution.  Issues  pertaining  karst  area such  as
               2.   Eglinton,  G.,  and  Murphy,  M.T.J.  (2013).  Organic   sinkholes and rockfalls, and engineering problems associated
                   Geochemistry — Methods and Results.  Spinger- Verlag.   with karst are emphasized. Geochemistry of karst waters are
               3.   Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2013             studied  in  conjunction  with  environmental  issues.  Karst
                                                                  landscape and deposit are used to examine for the evidence
                                                                  of  environmental  and  climatic  change.  Case studies  are
                                                                  used  throughout  the  course  and  emphasis  is

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