Page 128 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                  SII2016 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY
               placed on the challenges faced by people living in  karst areas
               and conservation value of karst landscapes.
                                                                  Engineering  geological  characterization  of  earth  materials
               Assessment Methods:                                and masses. Unified soil classification system. Compaction
               Continuous assessment    : 40%                     and consolidation of soil. Shear strength of soil.  Physical and
               Examination           : 60%                        mechanical properties of rock materials. Description of rock
               References:                                        mass.  Weathering   and   quantitative   description   of
               1.   Otonicar,  B.  et  al.  (2020)  Karstology  in  the  Classical
                   Karst. Springer Nature, ISBN 9783030268268.    classification  of  rock  masses.  Engineering  geological
               2.   Ford D. C. & White W. B. (2007) Karst Hydrogeology and   characterization of earth materials and masses. Unified soil
                   Geomorphology. John Wiley & Sons; Rev. Ed edition (16   classification system. Compaction  and  consolidation  of soil.
                                                                  Shear strength of soil. Physical and mechanical properties of
                   Mar 2007)
               3.   Methods  in  Karst  Hydrogeology  (IAH  International   rock  materials.  Description  of  rock  mass.  Weathering  and
                   Contributions to Hydrogeology) Nico Goldscheider and   quantitative  description  of  discontinuities.  Rock  slope
                   David Drew Taylor & Francis Ltd; 1 edition (1  Sep 2007)   stability. Geomechanics classification of rock masses.
               4.   Fairchild  I. J &  Baker  A.  (2012). Speleothem Science:
                   From process to past environments. John Wiley  & Sons.   Assessment Methods:
                                                                  Continuous assessment   : 40%
               SII2015  CLIMATE CHANGE AND ADAPTATION             Examination          : 60%

               This  course  provides  a  fundamental  insight  on  our  global   References:
               climate systems. The concept of climate models and the role   1.   Griffiths,  J.S.  &  Bell,  F.G.  (2020)  Environmental  and
                                                                      Engineering  Geology:  Beyond  the  Basics,  Whittles
               of  Earth’s  carbon  cycle  on  climate  will  be  introduce.  This
               course  also  explores  why  climate  change  adaptation  is   Publishing, ISBN 9781849954013
               important to human development, case study of Bangladesh,   2.   Watson,  T.L.,  (2018)  Engineering  Geology,  Franklin
               Europe US and Africa will be discussed. The course ends with   3.   Classics, ISBN 9780341967842
                                                                      Barnes, G.E. (2018) Soil Mechanics. 4th ed. MacMillan.
               discussing  the  consequences  of  climate  change  to  our
               society, and relates the linkage between the world’s economy,   ISBN 9781137512208
               politics and ethics so that the students may appreciate and   4.   de  Vallejo,  L.I.  &  Ferrer,  M.  (2011)  Geological
               have a good knowledge/update on the urgency of solving the   Engineering. CRC Press. ISBN 9780415413527
               current and future climate issues.                 5.   Bell F.G. (2007) Engineering Geology. Second Edition,
                                                                      London, Elsevier, 581 p. ISBN 9780750680776
               Assessment Methods:                                6.   Waltham,  T.  (2009)  Foundations  of  Engineering
               Continuous assessment    : 40%                         Geology. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780415469609
               Examination           : 60%
                                                                  SII2017  EARTH WATER RESOURCES
               1.  Pelling, M., (2011). Adaptation to Climate Change: from   This subject presents an overview of current understanding of
                  resilience to transformation. Routledge, Taylor  and Fracis   the earth water resources that circle around the interaction of
                  Group, New York.                                ground water and surface water, in terms of both quantity and
               2.  IPCC, (2014). Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report.   quality,  as  applied  to  a  variety  of  geological condition.  It  is
                                                                  apparent  that  developments  of  water  resources  combined
                  Contribution  of  working  groups  I,  II  and  III  to  the  Fifth   with  water  pollution  affect  the  quantity  and  quality  of  the
                  Assessment  Report  of  the  Intergovernmental  Panel  on
                  Climate Change. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151pp.   other.  Thus,  effective  water  management  requires  a  clear
               3.  Dessler,  A.,  (2015).  Introduction  to  modern  climate   understanding  of  the  linkages  between  ground  water  and
                  change. Cambridge University Press. UK.         surface water as it applies to any given hydrologic setting.
               4.  Bonan, G., (2016) Ecological Climatology – Concepts and
                  applications. Cambridge University Press. UK.   Assessment Methods:
               5.  Huq, S., Chow, J., Fenton, A., Stott, C., Taub, J., Wright,   Continuous Assessment   : 100%
                  H., (2019). Confronting climate change in Bangladesh –
                  Policy strategies for adaptation and resilience. Springer   References:
                                                                  1.  Shaw, E.M., (2010): Hydrology in Practice (4th Edition),
                  Nature, Switzerland.
               6.  Kabisch,  N.,  Korn,  H.,  Stadler,  J.,  Bonn,  A.,  (2017).   Taylor and Francis, UK; 590pp
                  Nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation in   2.  Fetter, C.W. (2014): Applied Hydrogeology (4th Edition),
                  urban areas. Springer Nature, Switzerland.         Prentice Hall, New Jersey; 691pp.
               7.  Eggleton,  T.,  (2013).  A  short  introduction  to  climate   3.  Todd,  D.K.  and  Mays  L.W.,  (2004):  Groundwater
                                                                     Hydrology. (3rd Edition). John Wiley & Sons, New York
                  change. Cambridge University Press, New York.
               8.  Johansen,  B.E.,  (2017).  Climate  change  –  An
                  encyclopedia  of  science,  society,  and  solutions.  ABC-   SII2018 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY
                  CLIO, LLC, California, USA.
               9.  Moser,  S.C.  and  Boykoff,  M.T.,  (2013).  Successful   Geological  features  associated  with  man's  physical
                                                                  environment,  including  landforms  as  well  as  internal  and
                  adaptation to climate change. Linking science and policy
                  in a rapidly changing world. Routledge, Taylor  and Fracis   external  geological  processes.  Impacts  of  man's  activities
                  Group, New York.                                and structures on the dynamic earth. Environmental Impact
               10. OECD/IEA,  (2014).  Energy,  climate  change  and   Assessments. Exposure to students on aspects of sampling
                  environment. International Energy Agency. Paris, France   and analysis of environmental geological samples.

                                                                  Assessment Methods:
                                                                  Continuous assessment   : 100%
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